
I’ve only recently para glided and I’ve skied quite a bit, but the combination I’ve never thought about until this video above.  Seems pretty amazing, but I’ve got a feeling it’s mighty chilly in the sky. As cool as this is, I still find the base jumping v2 to the walls video a bit more insane! I’ll put that video after the jump if you have not seen it.

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I always loved the idea in the Seconds Hand Business cards, but to be more sustainable comes a real reuse by creating creating a stamp to put onto existing paper materials!  I just might have to do this now.

Fischer Portugal recently had the challenge of designing an ecological business card for an environmental consultant, Andrea Romani. Business cards are usually made of paper. But using paper, even recycled, is not good for the environment. To avoid this issue, the advertising agency decided not to print any cards at all. Instead they created a rubber stamp to turn re-usable material into business cards.

The Ecological Business Card was developed at Fischer Portugal, Lisbon, by creative director Diogo Mello, art director Marco Martins and copywriter Rafael Pitanguy.”

via theinspirationroom

It’s that time of year again when thousands of students, high school, and college  worldwide fly into Boston (Sunday, Nov 7, 12-4pm) for National Portfolio Day for advice, tips, and tricks. Be it drawing, sculpture, academics, photography, writing, graphics, products, architecture, film, painting, or just to find out more, it’s always a great day to see our next generation of creativity at such a young age or even for current college students, grads, or people looking for a change in life.

I’ll be reviewing portfolios for RISD again so look out for me! If you cant make it, be sure to read my 10 tips from previous years here. Generally each person gets about 10-15 minutes dependant on the crowd, but RISD generates a huge line so get their early if ya can!

Boston Portfolio Day info here.”

A great article on how Steve Jobs is a bit different as a CEO at Apple…. and some great pointers for those leaders out there =).

“An anecdotal story: A friend of mine was at meetings at Apple and Microsoft on the same day. And this was in the last year, so this was recently. He went into the Apple meeting (he’s a vendor for Apple), and as soon as the designers walked in the room, everyone stopped talking, because the designers are the most respected people in the organization. Everyone knows the designers speak for Steve because they have direct reporting to him. It is only at Apple where design reports directly to the CEO.

Later in the day he was at Microsoft. When he went into the Microsoft meeting, everybody was talking and then the meeting starts and no designers ever walk into the room. All the technical people are sitting there trying to add their ideas of what ought to be in the design. That’s a recipe for disaster.”

read the rest of the article here, or after the jump.

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While attending TEDmed2010 I had the amazing opportunity to touch and feel a living breathing lung! Watch the video above and wait for it to breath in! The machine (Vitrolife) keeping this lung alive has been used to save 30+ human lives in keeping organs alive while patients prepare allowing a much longer timespan from donation to transplantation. It’s quite amazing to touch and a life changing experience to realize how precious our bodies are. These lungs are incredibly soft, almost like a soft, warm, living gel… actually very much like a piece of fat.

This lung in particular is a pigs lung, but I’ll include a video of a human lung after the jump. Also I’ll share a picture of Martha Stewart taking a picture of this very lung I touched and the picture she tweeted out in her experience.

Human lung video after the jump, and matha stewart images:

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I’m off to San Diego for this years sold out TEDMED conference which I’ve never been to but I’ve heard so much about. If your are going, let me know, or let me know what else to look out for in San Diego. The line-up of speakers is quite amazing and several of their previous talks can be seen in their video archives which I’d highly recommend watching.

Follow me on twitter for some live updates during the conference.

I’m off to PopTech 2010 for the rest of the week where the theme is “BRILLIANT ACCIDENTS, NECESSARY FAILURES, AND IMPROBABLE BREAKTHROUGHS”. As usual, poptech will be live streaming all of the talks online for free here! Watch the feed, follow some of my tweets, or let me know if your at PopTech and want to meetup!

I just returned from a screening of the documentary film “Waiting for Superman” and had to post it to let everyone know to watch this film! It’ll leave you cringing, a bit bitter, and a craving for our education system to change! The documentary is directed and filmed by Academy Award Winner Davis Guggenheim (Inconvenient Truth). Even Obama recently watched it and reacted to it.

Watch the trailer above or here, then visit their website to help out. They have a few extra video interviews on their site as well. Please share!

I’m off to Taipei for a week for some work, with a brief stop by San Francisco before and after.  My time is limited to evening explorations, but if any of ya’ll have some tips on food, shops, or places, let me know and perhaps I’ll have some posts to share afterwards. I’ll be staying in the central part of Taipei… I’m looking forward to the food!

I started Designverb on January 18th, 2006 as a quick experiment to jot down the many things I found to share with my friends and anyone else curious. Today, August 1st, 2010,  marks my 1000th post, and this one being the 1001’st.

I’ll admit the the opportunities, friendship, community, and insights I’ve received throughout the years has been amazing and it has surely kept me busy after a long day of work and on weekends.  There are times where I’m flooded with work and have very little time to post, but I started a Facebook Fan page where I post quick  fun links and have recently found some extra contributors to help find more great things to post about.

The Above picture is of sushi at O Ya here in Boston. I tend to eat sushi to celebrate  so maybe I’ll go there this week again.

Anyhow, I had no plans to really celebrate, but I thought I’d share some of the most popular posts since starting Designverb.
1. Tunnel House
2. Stuck At Heathrow Airport
3. Paint Chip Card Holder
4. Red Bull Headquarters
5. Mark Khaisman Brown Tape Art
6. Stefans Stormtroopers a Day
7. Heineken World Bottle: Beer to Bricks
8. Creepy Snow Globes
9. Color Changing Mini-Cooper
10. Burj Al Arab: Tennis Court in the Sky!
11. Non-Metric Countries
12. Shoes That Make Everyone the Same Height
13. How 315 Billion Dollars Looks
14. GadgetOff 2007 and 2009 Recaps.
15. TerraCycle Inc

And one of my fun little trips came from GM here.