I Love these simple info graphic history stories!
Check out a few more great ones mirrored after the jump via retronaut.
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All posts for the month September, 2011
I’m not sure what I found more awesome about this new ketchup packet design from Heinz: the fact that “engineers” got to drive around in a used minivan eating fries with ketchup; or the cute little “to dip” and “to squeeze” labels helpfully printed on top.
Full article at time.com
30 gifts to 30 strangers in Sydney from Lucas Jatoba on Vimeo.
For his 30th birthday, he bought 30 gifts and gave them out to 30 strangers. It’s magical what giving can do to make you happy. I might have to do this for all my other birthdays!
Nothing like a series of awesome break dancing moves to make ya wonder about the ability in our human body! One day we’ll be flying!
I was totally floored by the intricacy of these designs and the creative possibilities opened with this simple idea.
Lots more pictures and instructions on how to do it yourself over at seattle food geek.