My incredibly talented friend Peter Chan who attended RISD with me just finished his graduate studies in product/entertainment design at Art Center and is seeking work. For any readers with connections in the entertainment industry (web, games, movies, sets, storyboarding, etc) I’d very much appreciate ya’ll mention Peter to your friends or link to his site.
His work ethic is awesome, his skills are unmatched, and he’s always craving to learn. Peter has a great mentally in adaption, brainstorming, storytelling, philosophical discussions in design, marketing, art, and has a unique cultural perspective based on his knowledge and experience. He’s one seriously talented creative with a kick butt sketch hand and eye.
Check out his work on, pre-order his book Alien Race featuring a ton of his work (I’ve seen images from this book and it’s “Jaw Dropping”), or contact him if you have a sweet job to offer him.
Peter’s provided Designverb with some exclusive drawings to post along with a few from his webpage after he jump! (prepare to be amazed!)
update: Peter’s commented below about his new blog here.
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