
Hmmm… “ Your Life in Lists!” In a book format as well!

I few months back I wrote down a list of all the web services that I’ve signed up for…this includes emails, Amazon, ebay, IM’s, Joost, Pownce, WordPress, etc… Dang, the list got long, but I guess it says a great deal about me… I’m a net nerd!  Start yourself a Listography list and let your friends know more than ever about yourself!

restaurant up high

I’ve seen my share of products and services that go out of their way to make an experience more memorable than the products themselves (Dinner in the Sky, Total Darkness Restaurant, Fish Pedicure, Catch Your Own Sushi Restaurant, Unusual hotels), but when I was sent photos of this restaurant (perhaps just a temple) on the peak of a mountain side I freaked!!! I would have never guessed the pathway to get food food to be terrifying. Personally, I’m scared of heights, though I love pushing myself to fight it, but after seeing these pictures, I’d wonder how safe (crazy) this experience would be just for some food up high. I don’t see any safety nets or belts… doesn’t wood rot?

A bunch of crazy pictures documenting the pathway to this crazy restaurant up high.(thanks yoyo)
Update: a video.(also after jump)

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helvetica coffee cup mug veer

If ya love Helvetica and Coffee, I think you’ll like this Helvetica mug. I wonder if your font type relates to how you like your coffee. Personally, I’ve cut down on my coffee addiction and prefer Helvetica Standard Light Neue. This mug was made in part to the fabulous documentary “Helvetica” which I briefly mentioned earlier. Enjoy!

Buy here via Veer
Helvetica the Film

(I’m in in Detroit now Test Driving GM cars and finding out more about GM’s future perspective in sustainability, branding, and a new group dedicated to Social Media Communications. Also go-karting in an empty golf course. Will have a report later this week)

Smiley Bowl Eva Solo

Designers Claus Jensen and Henrik Holbaek bring us these very delightful smiling double bowls for Eva Solo. Stash your nuts or candied goodies up top, and leave the bottom for the shells, wrappers, or perhaps olive pits. Even if you don’t use them that often, these colorful glass bowls smile at you. This is just a reminder when you put a bit of personality into a product, it’s more liked. Two more close up pics after the jump.

via yankodesign Continue Reading

color organizing books

“There’s this new trend of organizing books by color. I love this photo by chotda linked via the Rainbow of Books Flickr group. This growing trend is cool but if I were gonna do this, I’d probably have to create a little digital database so I’d be able to find the right book I was looking for. Also, I’d probably be totally OCD if a book was out of place due to a subtle color tone. Jessica at How about Orange points to a San Francisco bookstore Superhero that rearranged all 20,000 books by color. [ via ] Link.

via Craftzine

Pretty sweet! I’ll have to reorder all my magazines on my bookshelf since they just sit there anyways. This reminds me that sometime when things are done one way by others or systems are designed to be done one way, there’s always a better solution for your needs.

Take for example those contact card binders with lettered tabs on the side, hinting you to keep your contacts in order by letters. We’ll, I started off that way but figured out a better method. I keep my cards in chronological order. The longer I’ve known you, the further you are in the front of the book. If I met you recently, your on the back half where I continue adding cards. Sometimes you remember people more by when you met them rather than by name, and by putting the cards in this order, you have a timeline of event such as college, a conference, a party, or at meeting. Perhaps this doesn’t work for some of you, but it makes for a great timeline book of contacts which works great for me.

hack2school guide

Core 77‘s posted a great “Ultimate Design Student Guide” with tips and tricks all design graduates can relate to in the fields of the Classroom, Dorm Room, Represent, Crash Course, and the nifty Cheat Sheet. If your a newbie in design school you’ll be glad you learned these tricks the easy way.

Other tips:
– If you need to use the machine shop when it’s closed, go to sleep and wake up early rather than staying up all night trying to do something manually.
– Bring a pillow to studio and get a desk with wide wooden planks (Their more comfy on the shoulders)
– If you need to document a ton of sketches use your digital camera instead of a scanner… it’s much faster!
– Don’t wear sandals in the shop nor shorts in most cases.
– Use a pen, carry a sketchbook around 24/7, and for some buy that sweeet portable metal Olfa blade.
– Desk goodies: band-aids, bottle of chewable Vitamin C’s, roll of toilet paper, Mp3 player, too many markers, too many rolls of various tapes, cutting board, string, box of Exactos, toolbox, cork board, small under the desk fridge, craft sticks for mixing, and a trashcan.
– Tape a “You owe me” list on your desk… people give and take all the time.
– Desk Lamp! Most studios have those crappy eye annoying fluorescent tubes that flicker..especially when you have been up 48+ hours.
– Get a Flickr account, document all!
– Start your own blog! 😉

peter chan drawpeterdraw

My incredibly talented friend Peter Chan who attended RISD with me just finished his graduate studies in product/entertainment design at Art Center and is seeking work. For any readers with connections in the entertainment industry (web, games, movies, sets, storyboarding, etc) I’d very much appreciate ya’ll mention Peter to your friends or link to his site.

His work ethic is awesome, his skills are unmatched, and he’s always craving to learn. Peter has a great mentally in adaption, brainstorming, storytelling, philosophical discussions in design, marketing, art, and has a unique cultural perspective based on his knowledge and experience. He’s one seriously talented creative with a kick butt sketch hand and eye.

Check out his work on, pre-order his book Alien Race featuring a ton of his work (I’ve seen images from this book and it’s “Jaw Dropping”), or contact him if you have a sweet job to offer him.

Peter’s provided Designverb with some exclusive drawings to post along with a few from his webpage after he jump! (prepare to be amazed!)

update: Peter’s commented below about his new blog here.

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random links thoughts

I’ve been really bad at posting this week and I apologize. I’ve been busy and found little to post. I almost posted about the very cool color guiding “MyCuppaTea” but then got distracted by the fact that Guster was playing live near me in September. After hurdling for tickets which I never bought since their concerts start before work ends, I scrambled online looking for the sold out but ever so cool red “Use Helvertica” shirt which lead me to Helvetica: the film. Somehow this took me to a Flickr collection of business cards which reminded me of my DIY Paint Chip card holders which someone did today though not with paint chips.

Now in my bookmarks were some really random links.. a kind of gross but amusing Frog cleaning his stomach, Martin Klimas and his smashing still photography, Hundreds posing naked on Swiss Glaciers thanks to Spencer Tunick, a kick butt Magnum wine ratchet , two huge people fighting, and the ever so fun visible but invisible public toilet which reminded me of the hilarious and very wrong Japanese toilet pranks.

I’d also like to make a shout out to my friend Andy on his company Interwoven Threads (Look good, Do better) He offered up a few shirts to my readers, so if interested, send me a cool link, I’ll pick a few, and he’ll send you a kick-butt shirt and even let you suggest a charity in your area to donate one to.(You buy a shirt, they donate the same one to the needed)

That’s it for now. Enjoy!

nike long ball shoe sustainable reconsidered

I don’t post on shoes too often, but when a big cookie monster like Nike known for making mountains of carbon fuming rubber glue shoes launches a 100% sustainable shoe in their eco-consciousness Nike Considered footwear line, I start to smile.

I’d seen previous attempts in this line that didn’t fair to well stylishly nor environmentally, but the these new Long Ball Lace shoes are rather appealing with it’s minty lime highlights while being 100% biodegradable using a cork sole and sporting some baseball stitch like weaves. Now all they have to do is figure out how to drop the price a bunch and be a bit more like TOMS shoes with donations to the needed, even though they probably do this already. 😉

via coolhunting

Full size pics after the jump
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Brush and Rinse toothbrush fountain
Brush&Rinse is a ingenious fun idea by Scott Amron at Amron Experimental which adds a simple curve to a toothbrush that creates a redirection of water from the sink faucet for a fountain like spout to sip and rinse from.

His concept won an ID magazine award:

“The jurors loved the way a common-looking toothbrush, gently tweaked, could shape tap water into a fluid parabola as perfect as the St. Louis Arch. They talked about the wonderfulness of harnessing the appeal of water play to transform a universally unloved chore, repeating comments about the power of design to create moments when ingenuity boosts utility to an emotional “A-ha!” Their solidarity was too strong to rouse any pithy debate, however. “Will it entice kids to brush their teeth?” (Tobias) Wong wondered. No matter, said Jeremijenko: “It rescripts a daily activity into something fantastical.” …(It) reminded the jurors of the deepest and most primitive powers of design: to create wonder where it’s least expected; to make something out of nearly nothing; to reduce people to two words. Wow. Cool.

– Barbara Flanagan”

This is pretty sweet! “HypoSurface is the World’s first display system where the screen surface physically moves! Information and form are linked to give a radical new media technology: an info-form device.”

Basically, it’s a Three-Dimensional moving surface even though in my mind, it’s just a scalable version of Daniel Rozins “Pixel Active” projects such as his fascinating Wooden Mirror which I posted about before or his Shiny Balls Mirror projects.

I’ve posted a YouTube video of Hyposurface above, but check out their website for more videos.

It would crazy cool to see this active wall combined with the Tunnel House!

I’ll post 4 videos after the jump.

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TED africa videos
Ooooo, TED Africa videos just started to get posted! If you missed out on the incredible TED Africa this past June in Tanzania, now you can enjoy a glimpse of this adventure online. If you prefer to read about it, I’d recommend reading 2 blog entries: Ethan Zukerman or LunchOVerIP by Bruno Giussani.

I’ll post the first 4 launched TED Africa videos after the jump.

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