“There’s this new trend of organizing books by color. I love this photo by chotda linked via the Rainbow of Books Flickr group. This growing trend is cool but if I were gonna do this, I’d probably have to create a little digital database so I’d be able to find the right book I was looking for. Also, I’d probably be totally OCD if a book was out of place due to a subtle color tone. Jessica at How about Orange points to a San Francisco bookstore Superhero that rearranged all 20,000 books by color. [ via ] Link.”
via Craftzine
Pretty sweet! I’ll have to reorder all my magazines on my bookshelf since they just sit there anyways. This reminds me that sometime when things are done one way by others or systems are designed to be done one way, there’s always a better solution for your needs.
Take for example those contact card binders with lettered tabs on the side, hinting you to keep your contacts in order by letters. We’ll, I started off that way but figured out a better method. I keep my cards in chronological order. The longer I’ve known you, the further you are in the front of the book. If I met you recently, your on the back half where I continue adding cards. Sometimes you remember people more by when you met them rather than by name, and by putting the cards in this order, you have a timeline of event such as college, a conference, a party, or at meeting. Perhaps this doesn’t work for some of you, but it makes for a great timeline book of contacts which works great for me.
that’s quite pretty!
In my opinion it’s a wonderful idea!So every time you sit in your living room you let rainbow touch your heart!;)
Ruth! Nice…glad to hear the color coding craze becoming viral!
I have my books arranged by color and I am always able to find what I’m looking for. The spine color helps me remember…right now if someone were to ask me if I had a thesaurus I would know exactly where it it because it’s orange…
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Wow. Pretty? Yes. Organized? Not so much. As an organizer, this would drive me nuts. How would you find the book you want? Not everyone has a color-graphic memory like Renee. 😉
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