You buy a pair of these comfy espadrilles inspired shoes, and TOMS matches every pair purchased with a donated pair to a child in need on your behalf in South America!
I love this idea! Not only are these stylish comfy slip-ons great, but they represent a great cause! Sure there are those brands that donate 5% of profits to some fund, but it’s a very different feeling when the very product you purchased is also the donated item! These shoes now represent a much more connected feeling and understanding of the cause. Founder, designer, and “Chief Shoe Giver” Blake Mycoskie has a great story and video you should watch!
Quick thoughts: Brands are becoming such a huge part of our future. They represent a lifestyle and status of life, but they are also icons in solving global issues. Sure there are the ones that do small stunts to satisfy the PR world, but most companies don’t care unless they can profit from it with money. Brands must now echo real global solutions, such as sustainability, poverty, disease, hunger, education, or even as simple as providing footwear to the needed. Losing some profits to gain a much stronger brand experience is not a need, but a must! Our informational society is in the know, and small things can really destroy a brands loyalty.
I’ve been influenced by Greenpeaces “guide to greener electronics“, the Corporate Fallout Detector project, a great deal by William McDonough & Michael Braungarts book Cradle to Cradle, the exhibit and book Massive Change, and the new must buy book WorldChanging!
via Springwise
A few more pics after the jump!
This is such an awesome idea! There are loads of people who would never give money to a charity or buy shoes to send to a needy child, but, who would pay a little extra for a pair of shoes just because it goes to a good cause.
For sure..this is a hot topic, and hopefully a trend ALL companies follow down the road, I’m making a list to buy during thanksgiving! And hell, I’ll donate my own time to make some killer graphics on those white ones for TOMS to sell as well for good cause.
Hey everybody
If you want free shipping online…please use the promotional code JOSIEC and feel free to tell everyone about it..it should be relevant this whole summer, using it would really help me and TOMS out
muchos gracias! Do you work for TOMS?
Anyhoots, free shipping always rocks! I’ll buy a bundle for some friends…if you work for TOMS, throw me an email…I might have a great opportunity to get some attention from some BIG connections that might interest you.
hey Tango, I do…but I never check these blogs I ran across it by accident …do you think you could email me at josie@tomsshoes.com ?
These shoes are ugly but are for a good cause. Nike or adidas would never do this. Women could easily kick in these but I will stick with my vans and AF 25.