I’m off to Vegas for a spontaneous trip to CES. I’ll roam the miles of exhibits and bring back some insightful designverb like thoughts, but don’t expect everything as I’d just point you to Engadget or Gizmodo for all their crazy coverage as usual. If your at CES, let me know, and we can crusade the floors with style. Jetting off in a bit! Vegas whoohoooo!!
All posts for the month January, 2007
Here’s a simple DIY guide in making your very own Chalkboard Wall Calendar to add a bit of personailty and jazz to your space. As messy as it might be and as unoften as you might actually use it, a chalkboard will always add that nostalgic spunk into any space. In fact, go get a few cans and go crazy with it. I’ve seen some great chalkboard tables (or here), vases, globes, shirts, wine bottles, and now this wall.
The DIY guide and other chalk product pics after the jump.
via marthastewart

Happy new years to ya’ll! If you’re jotting down a resolution list, I’d highly recommend going out and buying compact fluorescent bulbs for your house. My housemates and I did it last year, and our bills have gone down dramatically. The new bulbs use %75 less energy, are more environmentally friendly, last 10 times longer, and don’t cost that much more. I know the chart above says they cost 2-4 bucks, but my roommate bought a handful of them for a buck each. The great news is that Wal-Mart is pushing to get these bulbs into over 100 million households which should help drive the cost down. Go buy the bulbs, get your friends to buy them, save money, and be feel great doing good for your environment. Full story via nytimes.
or Full story after the jump.
nytimes video report
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If you love WIRED (I do) and got all geeky at WIREDs NextFest (I did) then you’ll crave their new TV series “WIRED Science” which aired yesterday on PBS. If ya missed it, watch it online (commercial-free) right here!(56 mins) I’d highly recommend checking out this pilot episode plus an extended interview with Elon Musk here.(I’ve had lunch with him at TED 😉 ) Afterwards, dig into their webpage for more information to get inspired. Hopefully this trial period lands them a seasons spot next year!(fingers crossed)
Here were the topics for the pilot:
– Full Show
– Meteorite Hunters (woa)
– Finding Neemo (mysterious)
– Exploded View: PlasmaTV
– Stem Cells (inspirational)
– Rocketeers (fun)
– Elon Musk (smart dude)(extended video)
– Extremophiles(very cool)