Do you go to art school, or sit through tons of crits(critiques)? Perhaps your in a space with tons of stools with missing or worn out foam pads. Well, if so, your butts probably craving one of these soft “crit buns” to sit on! “Crit Buns” were created by designers from my school RISD. I first spotted these colorful and graphically packaged buns during the RISD alumni sale and thought, duh…we all need one…then again, I just sat on my hands back when I was there even though the dirty pants from the charcoaled up floors were somewhat proud war marks for the RISD-oids.(mainly freshmen students since they have drawing studios which are famous for using bricks of charcoal a day which most kids end up sneezing out towards the end of the day…ooo, those were the days.) Go get a crit bun and make your buns smile!!!
Man, I could really use one of these right now…
yup..everyone needs a bun for their bun!!!
gee… i really wish i’d known about that while i was in design school. those long studios would have been much more enjoyable with one of those!
yah!!!..more buns for everyone!
They make great knee pads…if you’re on your knees a lot.
Will this product be good for kneeling yoga postures?