151 comments on “Tunnel House

  1. a donde va el tunel?
    Es impactante, la primera foto sale un hombre bastante desarrollado y finaliza y/o remata con una chica de diez.
    me pone feliz. Abrazos latinos
    Mujer Gallina

  2. What a great idea! Turning an eyesore into a wonderful peice of real-life, in your face art. Awesome 😉

  3. That house was a pretty cool place. I took some pictures inside the tunnel with my friends about 2 years ago so I’m pretty sure the place has been demolished by now. It was a nice addition to the Houston art community while it lasted. It would’ve been great to keep it around a bit longer, but in a town where historic houses are demolished all the time to make room for cardboard townhomes that sell for $300,000+, good luck with that.

  4. Why do you have to bring God into this? This has nothing to do with religion. By the way, Rosie Odonnell has already bitched about it. Nice use of architecture and creativity.

  5. cheers!!! breaking the neighborhood bored line
    like a perspective visual game implosive black hole

  6. I live in Austin, but periodically visit Houston museums every few months. I didn’t know this was up, but drove by it and nearly had an accident trying to pull over somewhere to take pictures. Some fun projects pop up on Montrose… The local Houston art scene does have some redeeming qualities after all! =D

  7. This is grand. 🙂 It is the very nature of the artistic mindset to take what normally presents itself as a problem to be removed or resolved somehow and to view it instead as an opportunity. All of life’s beauty comes from this way of thinking.

    As for the Below quote from the above poster. Please don’t use the accomplishments of more creative minds than your own to justify your erroneous beliefs about reality? please.

    “Wow! Our minds really does create reality! It that case, spirits must be fiction; science fiction.
    And, God! Well, our minds created “Him.” Because, there can’t be a “Father” and “Son” without a Mother.

    Oh, I love these photos, my mind is racing with ideas!

    Thanks Dan. Thanks Dean for sharing such wonderful creativity! “

  8. That is so great!! Who would have thought of that? I bet it took a lot of work to finish it! Super bad ass!

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