151 comments on “Tunnel House

  1. Pingback: aka Abraham Bacoln

  2. WOW!! We cannot believe how cool this house is! We decided to check out your site because we read a story about Frank Lloyd Wright and we learned about his life by reading his biography. We learned he was an architect! We think it would be awesome to visit that house and a slip and slide down and slip through it! We think you should build more of these!

    March 12, 2008

  3. Wow! Cool house! Is the house still going to be torn down, or are they going to let it stand as either art or an obvious playground?

  4. yeah man. shit. this is amazing

    how could anyone demolish this! they should build a museum around it.

  5. esta muy bueno, la percepcion es como de traspaso a otra dimension , la idea esta genial ojala aca en chile se hagan intervenciones asi. felicitaciones

  6. Dear Sir/Madam,
    I am writing to you from the Spanish architectural magazine* /PASAJES DE ARQUITECTURA Y CRITICA* /(Passages of Architecture and Critique).
    /PASAJES/ is the only architectural magazine distributed on a monthly basis in Spain. It is also currently the bestselling architectural magazine in Spain. /PASAJES/ is not only widely distributed in Spain, but also in Portugal and Latin America. A normal issue consists of 48 full-colour pages of 269×354 mm size (a bit smaller than A3), and has several sections: News, Building Analysis, Interviews, Brief Essays, Trips, Exhibitions and Books.

    We are planning the next Pasajes, which is number *109*, and it is going to be a special issue about dwelling and the experimental innovation in the domestic space.
    I am writing to express /Pasajes’/ interest in publishing *

    Dan Havel and Dean Ruck’s TUNNEL HOUSE

    we donn’t know how to contact the artist, so we would like to ask you if you could give us his mail for contact him

    Thank you for your time and I´ll be looking forward to receive your reply soon.

    Kind regards,

    Luis Rodriguez
    redactor pasajes
    Avda. de Ramon y Cajal, 60. 28016 Madrid
    Phone: +34 91 416 00 54
    E-mail: pasajes1@dam1.e.telefonica.net

  7. Pingback: Memorial tunnels. « Daily Design Idea

  8. Pingback: LINE Architecture / weblog » Tunnel House

  9. Pingback: The Tunnel House « Design Binder: Products + Materials

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  12. Pingback: pruning gal » Tunnel

  13. Pingback: brother o’Mara | Design Curiosities

  14. that reminds me of the time that flanders’s house on the simpsons was demolished by a hurricane, only to get rebuilt by the city folk in a terrible fashion

  15. Pingback: House implodes via wormhole. | Love and Trash, a DIY blog for people who do things differently.

  16. Pingback: In Case You Missed It – Design on the Web this Week :: Hatch: The Design Public® Blog

  17. Pingback: Interview with Dan Havel and Dean Ruck | Glasstire

  18. Pingback: Tunnel House #publicart « Davegrossman's Blog

  19. Pingback: Site Specific Tunnel | CraftMoto

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  21. i cant bealive its so coollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll,,and bye the way awsem house

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  23. Pingback: Amazing 'tunnel house' | AD-i: Advertising, design and marketing industry rambles for designers, from designers. A Blog by Atomic Design UK.

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