
All posts for the month July, 2006

pechu Kucha

Pecha Kucha Nights is an event gathering young designers to meet, network, and quickly show their work in public spaces. The catch to the presentations is that each of the dozen+ presenters is allowed 20 slides and 20 seconds each, which is a recipe for a lively, enthusiastic, concise presentation. The idea for pecha kucha (which is Japanese for the sound of conversation) started in Japan in 2003 and has quickly formed groups in key cities around the world.
I love the idea of short presentations as it really forces people to get to the point, and personally, I love the spontaneity when presenters rush and sweat to say what they usually want to say in an hour into a few seconds.  Check out their site for locations and schedules or if you have something ya’d like to share with the world, sign up to present! Here’s a presentation from Guy Dickinson in Copenhagen during one of the recent events. (all typed in a bit over 20 seconds!!)

google logo

Not to long ago, I posted about BrandVerbs including google, and as of of yesterday Googles been officially defined as a verb and added into the 11th edition of the Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary. I’d expect Google and other such brand names to be defined in dictionaries such as Wikipedia, but for Websters official dictionary came to me at a bit of a surprise. Imagine if yahoo, webcrawler, or alta vista got defined. I wouldn’t be saying “I’ll Google it”, it would be “I’ll alta vista that”, hehe. Anyhow, I’m surprised they didn’t define google as: the digital brain.. as well, it’s seriously half my brain these digital days, and my quick spell checker (ya type in a word your not sure is spelled correctly, and google suggest a spell typing in, though you can use their tool bar as well)

adagio tea bagJust when I thought there were no more inventive ideas in presenting tea bags comes adagios blooming tea bag, which, as the title says, blooms right before your eyes as you pour some hot water into a clear cup of boiling water. I’ve yet to actully witness this magic unfold, but I could imagine the delightful little touch and smile it gives to the tasty tea experience.
via NotCot

dinner in the sky

“Dinner in the Sky” is a unique and a rather bizarre breathtaking experience taking place on a suspended table for 22 guests hovering 50 meters above the ground by a crane. Each guest is strapped down to a roller coaster like seat then hoisted up for one chilling, perhaps frightening exciting experience of their life. If you happen to be one of the lucky participants in this event, I’d hope you’re not the type that drops their utensils much. I’d also wonder about the bird’s flying around or those bathroom breaks. Otherwise, get your camera, strap on your shoes, add a strap to your cell phone, and enjoy!
via springwise


I just finished watching an amazing documentary on the travel channel called “Decoding Ferran Adria” which had me drooling over the visually magical and breathtaking experimental dishes served at the world famous restaurant elBulli and chef/owner Ferran Adria. The mind-blowing combinations in ingredients and creative presentations are truly original and an experience like no other. To make reservations for this restaurant is said to be over a year long. elBulli is only open for 6 months out of the year as it takes the other 6 months to travel, experiment, and come up with new concepts each year in their ultra modern controversial innovation foodlab. Not only do the dishes taste sensational, but the process in creating and manipulating the ingredients to their extreme is astonishing! One fact that I loved was that Adrias lab team consist of a Chemist, Industrial Designer(wohooo!), and several other chefs.

For some pictures of their beautiful dishes check out this flicker set, this one, or this website review. The pictures only give you a glimpse of the real magic that was captured in the video which flooded your mind with simple informational elements that just mystified and surprised you. I couldn’t track many videos online, but there were a few short ones here and here. If anything, I’d say go find that episode, buy it, watch it, drool, and perhaps buy his visually stunning book filled with several images and recipes. Otherwise, if you find yourself in Cala Montjoi Spain, outside the city Roses, about 2 hours north of Barcelona, go there, eat, and make people like me jealous!

More drooling  pictures from a recent visit via chocolateandzucchini