Wohhooo!! The SMART car has finally been approved to make its way to America around 2008. I’d still prefer the Nissan Cube or Chapo, perhaps a Mini, but the SMART will do just fine.
update: Smart cars go electric, and even plug in!!!
Wohhooo!! The SMART car has finally been approved to make its way to America around 2008. I’d still prefer the Nissan Cube or Chapo, perhaps a Mini, but the SMART will do just fine.
update: Smart cars go electric, and even plug in!!!
“Tim Knowles creates drawings independent of his own hand, using elaborate apparatus or time consuming practices. Interested in the process of drawing Knowles invents experimental and playful procedures to introduce chance and unpredictability into his work. Often he will employ and expose mans relationship to nature, in an ongoing series which will feature in the exhibition, Knowles attaches pens to the tips of branches of various trees; placing paper in front of them he allows the chance movement of the wind to dictate the composition of the final drawing. The artist surrenders final control of the work, questioning the authority of the artist whilst allowing the fundamental and primordial characteristics associated with drawing to be communicated.”
Read more at Rokeygallery
Heres a “Why didn’t I think of that” idea! Flavored Seasoned Skewers! Perhaps I’m just really hungry right now, but these sure sound tasty for a nice BBQ. I’m also the type that licks every savory taste off the stick usually. It’s about time something simple gave a kick of flavor into the middle of the meat!
via coolhunting
Business weeks annual IDEA awards for outstanding designs and innovations is out. They have 108 projects documented, some great, some stunning, some just ok in my mind. One that popped out for me was the Sushi Plate by Mint Inc. Take a browse at the winners here.
So, I was shopping online for some Maharishi cloths I posted about, and ended up emailing the company to find out where I could get some of their goods. They ended up introducing me to a place called Bodega in Boston, which I had never heard of. I found out this high-end fashion store was somewhat hidden inside a soda machine, inside a thrifty little convenient store, with no signs. So as you are probably thinking, bizarre right. Well, my first drive by, I saw a convenient store, but thought nothing of it, and went back home and just said another day. Well, today I was in the area again, and decided to go into the convenient store. At first it was locked, but a stylish person came out to greet me and said they were closed, and I asked if I could just take a quick peek. “Sure, come on in.” Ok.. I see some fritos, detergent, spam, toilet paper, some candy, and a soda machine…. If you don’t mind hearing the surprise experience, read on. Continue Reading
I’ve always questioned if technology and electronics would become nostalgic, where electronics, laptops, cell phones, mp3 players would be kept for longer than say two years. In todays society, electronics are thrown away not only because they are behind in technology, but for their looks.(little dings here and there) I was reminded of this question when I saw this post here, about how a scratched up Sony camera actually looked cool, how it had a splendid patina look. In this rare case, a dinged up electronic actually had a good emotional response from someone, much like a beat up leather jacket, worn out ripped jeans, overly wrinkled fashionable shirts, a used baseball glove, a wooden old ladder, a dirty but huggable teddy bear, etc. As Russell Davies says in his post, “One of the things I hate about the design of most things, especially most electronic things, and definitely most automotive things, is they’re all designed to be new. They’re all at their best when you buy them and they get worse the second you remove them from the packaging.”
So, what’s the solution to this, is there a need for nostalgic electronics, should electronics be made to have more meaning?… I’m not sure, it’s just a thought. I use to think soft materials would add this meaningful value but from what I know, the only integrated soft electronic is this sleek porsche like vertu ascent phone for $5,000. It’s strange how tons of people buy soft cases for their gadgets…. are consumers saying something companies are not realizing? 😉
Here’s a pretty clever little ad to slap onto a door. It’s been a little minii trend to replace real objects with ads lately, but hey, it’s grabbed my attention for the better for now.
via frederiksamuel
For the first time ever, the exclusive invite-only TED conference experience, which I’ve posted about several times, is launching TEDtalks which is a free video and audio series of some of the best TED speakers for everyone in the world to see and hear. TED is a journey of some of the most mind-provoking idea gatherings in the world which is limited to 1,000 people each year but is now spreading some their love through this new chapter. I’m extremely happy that TED decided to add this feature as every time I return from the TED conference I ramble for endless enthusiastic months to my friends about it. Attending TED is like no other conference and a heaven of ideas for anyone to experience. Though the speakers talks are only a portion of the magical safari, TEDtalks is a first step in sharing the real magic of captivating, igniting, and making real world changes that keeps this community so compelling. Go check it out, get inspired, and start spreading the idea virus! (Sir Ken Robinson on creativity is a must watch video!)
via TEDblog
If your an entrepreneur and missed my post “Entrepreneurialism: the new rock ‘n’ roll“, then you must watch this great video presentation by Guy Kawasaki on his book “The Art of the Start“. Who is he you might ask…don’t ask, just watch, be amazed, get inspired, and google him later. Otherwise, read his post on the “Bozo Explosion“! This guy rocks!!! I’d love to have him on my team anyday!
Have you ever wondered how to travel the entire world and get a company to pay for it all? Well, meet Matt Harding, a game developer that quit his job to travel the world for a bit of an adventure while filming himself doing a little dance in each location. Upon returning from his world safari, his video hit the infectious internet world and got in the hands of some corporate leaders who decided to pay and sponsor him to do it all over again and in different locations if not everywhere. If you have not seen this viral video see it here (2005), here (2006), or wherethehellismatt.com. Once you see this mesmerizing video you’ll understand why it’s hard not to watch Matt do his goofy dance in sooo many amazzzing locations. Matts dance reminds me of the Six Flags dancer which has been stuck in my head for some time.
This post is just a reminder that doing some of the darnest things on the net will score ya big much like this crazy christmas light house last year that got some crazy cash check for a Miller Lite commerical.