I’ve mentioned Barry Schwartz many times throughout designverb, but why not mention his talk again at TED. Watch it, wonder, question, and talk about this paradox! (Buy the book “Paradox of Choice“!)

Dells launched Community Pulse which organizers their customers “Compliments” and “Complaints” along with a cloud of tags on subjects and a graph on subjects to see how they are doing overtime with individual categories.
Instead of hiding away all their complaints, show it off and improve. The more transparent a company can be about their issues, the sooner they can fix them. Fail faster, improve sooner.
If your a fan of NewsMap, then you’ll also enjoy the dynamic set of “Digg Labs” visualizations. Personally, I like Bigspy, but all the other options are pretty nifty though more eye candy than functional. Turn on Bigspy, set it up on your 2nd monitor, and treat Digg feeds like a live streaming TV set!
Hmmm, good visual food for thought.
I’ve had several managers with great visions assigning tasks based on their vision… then I’ve had great managers with great visions that believe in others visions as well… Guess which vision was more successful.
oooo sooo very true! Brands that create amazzzing products still survive even when their broken. I love twitter, hate it when it’s down, but still use them!
“Possibly the most wonderful thing in the world that a brand can achieve is love so strong that users worship your failures.
Twitter has been a victim of its own success. So many new users, so much volume that the application crashes regularly. Sometimes hourly. From the getgo, they’ve managed to brand their “failure screens” in true twitteresque flavor. When Twitter is down beyond repair, users get the screen that is now lovingly referred to as the “fail whale.”
Here’s the thing. Despite the failures, Twitter fans remain users. And they joke about the down time, the failed tweets and the fail whale. Someone’s even produced a line of Fail Whale merchandise.
Can your brand generate that kind of love? Can you fail consistently, over and over and STILL keep your customers fans? Not many brands can. And that’s a wonderful testament to the power of Twitter. Tweet. Tweet.”
You can follow me(sidebar) or my blog postings on Twitter.
You want passion, Benjamin Zander defines passion that’s viral, awesome, and addictive! Reminds me how I love classical music sooooo much! Watch it here then buy his inspirational book “The Art of Possibility” here.
Here’s a informational video about the always controversial Net Neutrality issue whom many of us learned about back in 2006 through Ask a Ninja here!
Pass it around, be in the know, and fight off this corrupt political crap… make information free to enable creativity and progression. Reminds me of Larry Lessig‘s Great TED lecture on “Creativity being strangled the by law.”

This image reminded me of the many instances in which companies want to save a bit of cash for needed tools. Don’t be cheap… buy the tools you need to be productive or bad things may become of your project or in this instance, a person.
More great images at DarkRoastedBlend
It’s been an incredibly busy week of travel and work and I apologize for not posting as much.
First came the wonderful GEL (Good Experience Live) conference in nyc, which made me ask “why” every time I experienced something bad in this world, rather than just letting it happen. Why do voice mail avatars talk for sooo long before I can leave a message, why do the same avatars talk for so long when I want to hear my voice mails, Why does technology direct 2 people calling each other at the same time to each others voice mail rather than connecting them, why is the nyc train system so confusing for a newbie… this world is full of bad experiences, and as a designer, discovering, revealing, and disrupting the norm is needed…especially when it comes to sustainability and health care experiences. I’ll post about GEL later on, but here is a great recap collection.
Anyhow, this week I venture off to the “Art Center: Serious Play” Conference in LA. It’ll touch base on user experience, design, and bits of everything. I’ll bring my laptop, but no promises on live blogging.
After that, I’ll be experiencing the incredible Pangea Day on May 10th at the Sony Pictures Studio in LA. If you didn’t catch my last post, this is MUST do…invite a bunch of friends, family, or even strangers over…gather around, watch this global event for 4+ hours, get inspired, and make change! There will be 24 films, live music, and several fantastic speakers very much like TED.
I’ll be twittering most of my journey on the sidebar..feel free to follow me on twitter, or just on this blog… I’ll post when I can, but for now, a few late weekend links below:
Use Whatever Clock: Pretty cool, sell the function, let customer create looks.
Wearable Chair: I had this idea sometime ago, but executed a bit differently.
Twistori: Following Twitter by emotions.
Scrapile: Using wasted wood to make cool wood composites! Very sustainable!
Sunlight Poem Projector: Public Poem based on sun location. Pretty neat!
Soba Machine: Make you own soba at home. I’m in soba mode after going to Soba Koh nyc.
A billion Pennies: What does 1 billion pennies stack up to be.
Momofuku Ko restaurant: reservations only online! Brings the experience beyond the restaurant.
Filmmaker and 2006 TED prize winner Jehane Noujaim made a wish to “Create a day in which the world came together through film.”
That exciting day is this May 10th, gathering a global audience to watch a series of films made by the world for the world, which will broadcast around the globe live at the same time.
Gather a community of your family and friends and watch this amazing inspirational film together. Host an event in your home, backyard, office, or any other location to share this extremely rare experience with all.
Watch Jehane’s wish during TED here, host an event, check out the Pangea Day webpage, or watch a few more videos on their Youtube site.
I’ll be in LA during this event… this is a must do, watch, spread event.

Cozy Seats: Diagonal seats allowing individuals to finally rest their bobbing sleepy heads somewhere on airplanes!It’s about time an airline tried these out, though a sliding wall would have done the trick. I’m not too sold on this idea for spacial reasons, but it’ll be interesting to see even though meeting cool strangers sitting next to you will be tricky. Laptop peepers, yeah..I’ll be asking for aisles seats. Delta planes to install theses in some economy class seats by 2010.
Some pics after the jump via newlaunches.
Continue Reading
– an awesome Wii Guitar Hero shirt above.
– DIY sawed off USB stick..seriously nerdy awesome!
– A great intellectual interview(mp3) to Bruce Schneier on Security and Beyond Fear.
– Paparazzi for the rest of us: the service in getting photographed secretly!
– Visualization of our current space debris!
– Hilarious iphone review! (video).