What happens when you bring the whole freakin’ internet into a room to talk, drink, get happy, and call it an internet culture conference? We’ll, in truth, I’m not sure, but I’m headed down to NYC to find out at this years ROFLThing gathering!
Founded by Tim Hwang (Harvard Berkman, Creative Commons,The U.S. Bureau of Fabulous Bitches) and his rock star team of coders, shakers, and makers, RoflCon (Rolling on the Floor Laughing) kicks off this Saturday in NYC at Santos Party house. The event seems to be sold out, but throw them a note and get on the list or tip the bouncer a few bucks.
A few speakers/attendees to note:
– ObamaGirl
– Phillip Torrone at MAKE
– Bre Petits of MAKE, NYCResistor
– Jim Louderback of Revision3
– Ji Lee of Bubble Project
– Jason Bitner co-founder of FOUND Magazine
– Matt Bledsoe and Troy Hitch of You Suck At Photoshop.
– Vincent Connare, creator of Comic Sans Font
– Ian Spector of Chuck Norris Fact Generator
– Charlie Todd of Improv Everywhere
– Alexis Ohanian co-founder of Reddit
– and anything else internet!
– The rest of the NYC RoflThing speakers+schedule here.