
All posts for the month July, 2008

Free Obama is giving away free Obama buttons by simply giving them your address (the free ones the top one). I submitted my info and buttons should be arriving in a few weeks. They have 2 other buttons for purchasing, but free is easier!

I still personally dig the Obama 008 buttons (“double O8”, the next James Bond) I got from so if ya want some extra designer point, go get those!

balloon graffiti
It’s been one crazy month of work, so apologizes for the lack in posting, but there has not been too much to post about either. I had an amazing weekend in sunny San Francisco last week and am now back in the east coast, which has been rainy all week, but this weekend seems to be nice. Anyways, as an activity for the weekend: Send someone special a hand written letter by mail! =)

Giant cow!
Waterproofing Electronics: inside and out through a vacuum bag.
Make your own Multi-Touch table for cheap!
– I lost my phone the other week. Freaked out because Facebook made me click through a bunch of pages to get everyone’s numbers. Then I discovered the “Phonebook” with everyone’s face, name and number on one page here.
Fun Balloon/Tape Graffiti!
Tom Friedman Books “The World is Flat” AudioBook download FREE until Aug 4th!

Holy Crap WOWWW! I’ve heard of biomimicry for design, but this takes the entire cake for taking a species behavior literally. The Gannett bird is known for diving face first into the ocean for capturing their prey. Watch the video above and be amazed by some dude jumping out of a helicopter (1:17 in) to capture a giant Marlin Fish!!! Go Aussies!!! That marlin must of been like “woa, what the…!

via liveleak


I’ve been playing around with for a few days and must admit, it’s a visual pleasure to tinker with. There’s zoomii, Searchme, redzee, oskope, and a handful of other sites that intensify the visual sensors, but Viewzi definitely takes the cake in delivering high quality design within their interface and brand.

I could talk about them for some time, so I’ll just point my finger to their site, tell you to type in something like “food” then press enter and move your mouse around everywhere. Also check out their story through and their corporate site which isn’t at all corporate.

Speaking of pictures, here are two other interesting sites rethinking full screen picture viewing. Blowup and PictoBrowser.

A few screen shots of their site after the jump

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Twitter fail whale
oooo sooo very true! Brands that create amazzzing products still survive even when their broken. I love twitter, hate it when it’s down, but still use them!

“Possibly the most wonderful thing in the world that a brand can achieve is love so strong that users worship your failures.

Twitter has been a victim of its own success. So many new users, so much volume that the application crashes regularly. Sometimes hourly. From the getgo, they’ve managed to brand their “failure screens” in true twitteresque flavor. When Twitter is down beyond repair, users get the screen that is now lovingly referred to as the “fail whale.”

Here’s the thing. Despite the failures, Twitter fans remain users. And they joke about the down time, the failed tweets and the fail whale. Someone’s even produced a line of Fail Whale merchandise.

Can your brand generate that kind of love? Can you fail consistently, over and over and STILL keep your customers fans? Not many brands can. And that’s a wonderful testament to the power of Twitter. Tweet. Tweet.”

You can follow me(sidebar) or my blog postings on Twitter.

via brandflakeforbreakfast


hahaha, this video is great! I’m not sure how they sync the software together to pong 3 way on their iPhones, but I love the idea in tiling multiple screens for a larger interface.

Anyhow, besides the cool tech, you should have your sound on so you can hear the hilarious “ping” pooOOoOong” noises the players make as they play … pongggg!