Above image via. It’s a painting, but would be a cool graffiti placement.
-funny fake movie trailer for Minesweeper.
–The desks of creative people. Reminds me of my post!
–Can you tell the original pic from photoshopped! Amy Dresser is a master at this!
–Oobject.com, a nice set of collections!
–The FAIL Blog …pretty funny! (thanks gordon) Reminds me of ICanHasCheezburgar.com
I love this picture. The light almost appears as a manifestation of the child’s imagination!
That’s not a painting, is it? i think it’s sprayed on a wall.
Either way its great!
I’m pretty sure this image is a painting. The kids not real enough in my taste…otherwise, when it’s a smll image, it looks liek a photo. but ye, i’m tempted to try my first grafitti if I asee the sun do this to some wall now =)