I mentioned a bunch of incredible speakers during my safari over to Pop!Tech2007 …and now a few of those lectures are available for watching at Pop!Casts here.
Above is the lecture by Van Jones who is an activist in urban poverty and environmental peril…a must watch!. He’s incredibly talented, smart, funny, and great at speaking that all should learn from!
A few other videos released:
– John Legend: his music and his campaign on global poverty.
– Jessica Flannery: Kiva.org, a must do Micro Funding site.
– Chris Jordan: Photographer on consumerism
– Christian Nold:Bio Mapping/ Information Visualization
– Steven Pinker: The thinking behind conversation and language.
– Louann Brizendine: The emotional behavior of the brain, men and women.
– Daniel Pink: Insights on business and how Artists rule the future!!! (awesome for us creatives 😉 !)
– Caleb Chung: Pleo, Furby, and otehr fun inventions!
I’ll post the videos after the jump!
John Legend: his music and his campaign on global poverty.
Jessica Flannery: Kiva.org, a must do Micro Funding site.
Chris Jordan: Photographer on consumerism
Christian Nold:Bio Mapping/ Information Visualization
Steven Pinker: The thinking behind conversation and language.
Louann Brizendine: The emotional behavior of the brain, men and women.
Daniel Pink: Insights on business and how Artists rule the future!!! (awesome!)
Caleb Chung: Pleo, Furby, and otehr fun inventions!
i’s been 11 days man… I’m getting a little twitchy.
Hope your holidays are/were fantastic.
heya…yeah, sorry i havent posted…I was traveling for worl the week before the big break, then got kinda lazy(enjoying life off-line)
I’ll have lots of goodies early january… ; happy holiday and new yrs!!!!