Isn’t it great how creativity kicks in when times running out. Take for example this incredible and beautiful installation by artists Dan Havel and Dean Ruck a few months before this house was to be demolished…. I’m guessing they saw any opportunity to do something freaking crazy cool to a space that was going to be destroyed and turned this old house into a trippy wooden warp zone! More pics after the jump.(including whats at the end of the tunnel)
via hemmy
A few pics via Kevin Omara
CLICK on above image for MUCH larger image!!!!
That is amazing. It reminds me of the final moments of the house in the movie ‘Poltergeist’.
for sure, it’s trippy!
Very cool, what do the neighbors think?
Wow! Nice 🙂
Cool! It’s really amazing! When a hole in a great building, for example a skyscraper?:-p
the neighbors must be freaking
It’s awesome i hope the people don’t use it as an garbage garbage can 🙂
Wow! Our minds really does create reality! It that case, spirits must be fiction; science fiction.
And, God! Well, our minds created “Him.” Because, there can’t be a “Father” and “Son” without a Mother.
Oh, I love these photos, my mind is racing with ideas!
Thanks Dan. Thanks Dean for sharing such wonderful creativity!
Did anyone get splinters?
Nobody should demolish this great installation!!!!
That is so amazingly creative.
Very refreshing.
I always wondered what would happen if somebody managed to divide by zero…
YAY! There’s art in Houston! And, now, the world knows.
esta de pocasupinchimadre!
Esta de supiinchisisiisimadre chingon¡
Creatively creepy.
wow! where is this place? it is freaking creative, my mind cannot stop spinning, well done.
Una muy buena idea para desarrollarse
Wow, props to the artists, the open minded house owner and neighbors. Life is grand
More than amazing!
High Fiveee. So niceeee.
nad ass.
fucking brilliant…
Imagine walkin down the street trippin and finding this house. wow!
cheers from Mexico for the tunnel house
I used to live right next to that! I was on campus at the college down there when I was dancing at the Houston Ballet Academy. I walked past it, and was like, oh. That’s niffty.
Then, two years later, no more dance, a probably unhealthy obsession with street art, and BAM! Here it is!
esta bieeen conmadreee!
Geeee, this is just amazing. But, I mean, how much time and effort did this take ???
Muy buena idea!
good project!
I agree with “c a” – This is like Gordon Matta-Clark — but INVERTED!!! haha – Thanks for the photos!
This is wild, one of the most creative public pieces of art I have seen in a long time. Brilliant. I’m very impressed. Thank you for sharing it.
1 word WOW!!!!!!!!!
I never follow links on that smarmy, pretentious Wooster site, but glad I did this time!!! Shit’s hella dope! I thought it was painted from the thumbnail.
A very interesting new version of “Arte pobera”.
Next, a tunnel to china.
and it’s air conditioned!
procrastination = creation!
…destruction = creation?
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everything in this place ,whats real with whats concieved ,who we are to reason ,what it is that I cannot see ,living in exsentence why is reality touch taste and smell living with our sencenses whose to say our sense is real
I guessing these guys are fans of one of my favorite childhood movies “Time Bandits” This looks like you could step through it and kill a minotaur with Sean Connery any time you wanted. I wish there were more creative structures like this that made me feel like I could walk through dimensions and space like this one. nice work.
So cool. With all the asinine stuff going on in the world, its’ nice to see someone having fun being human.
The neighbors were already accustomed to “interesting” things happening next door. The house was occupied by the Art League of Houston and had been used for exhibit space and art classes for over 30 years by then.
Besides, the place would be demolished soon anyway. The house was on a main thoroughfare and Houston has no zoning.
Why do you morons say “after the jump” when you have it all on one page? Learn what stuff means before you start writing it.
Ted…cause your on the “jump” page. The main page only has the top images and text..
Now thats what I call a hole in the wall house! LoL Still cool though.
that is sooooooooo amazing!!!!!!! i