6 comments on “The Next Net 25

  1. Pingback: Al día con sitios 2.0

  2. Hey tango!

    I hope you can make use of the links. Thanks for sharing that web2.0 site, it makes for a nice web2.0 logo gallery in addition to a web2.0 directory. Good luck going through all those sites, there are so many! BTW, I emailed them and asked if they could ask musicovery to their list (at least I think musicovery is web2.0).

  3. thomas,
    yup, that web2 sites has a ton…I kinda of wish they had a better filter rather than just dates and names….be cool if they had fiolters like location, types of service(email, calendars, social network, electronics, shopping, etc), etc…. I dont mind the ajax interface, but it’s a bit slow for me…

    as for musicovery…hmmm, perhaps they just post web2 companies that have a biz model…i’m not sure if musicovery has one besides their ads.
    hmm…ads…reminds me of a recent article by Chris anderson of Wired mentioning how he thinks everything service wise will be free down the road…will post it once i find it again.

  4. Hey tango! They do allow you to filter the list by tag by using the “select tag” drop down list… I guess it’s more of a drop down tag cloud.

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