9 comments on “Pete Goldlust: Carved Crayons

  1. “a wallet made of cash”, now that would be interesting! BTW, did you create a post for the iRock Wallet you whose thumbnail you have showing in your sidebar? I found the posts for the business card holders and cork ring, but not the wallet.

  2. hehe…well, i made that wallet some 10 years ago, and I’m still rocking it, but….it’s not that easy to make/DIY…takes some patient 5 hours to make…i’ve been trying to have it manufactured, but it’s a hard one to duplicate….I’ll post about it someday.. I already have a DIY illustration i made for manufactures to follow, but we’ll see.

  3. This photo is so awesome… It looks amost impossible to make those crayons. Some people might think they were made in photoshop. How are the dark blue and dark green crayons being held together?

  4. Great Work, when i saw it i said its a good visual for some ad, i can say if i had it i will keep it as precious things bec i love colours & this is amazing

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