5 comments on “Soft Cork Ring!

  1. 1.) That’s awesome, can you make me one? 😉

    2.) The watch you rock, where’s it from? I’ve been looking all over for a decent watch and that’s the best I’ve seen.

  2. 1)A cork ring is, pretty easy to make, but it just takes lots of time and patients. But I guess I could make ya one…what can you make me?

    2) The watch, i bought in nyc….it’s cheap…10$, and one of my favorite watches. I forget the names of the store, but you can find it often at those street fairs they have in nyc.

  3. I was actually going to say that same thing Woolard 🙂

    I’m a web designer and an urban based artist (retired graffiti artist). I actually have many acrylic pieces on wood as well. So I can make ya a website, or a fresh acrylic painting :).

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