A bunch of you have asked me about this ring which I wear every so often. Well, I was playing around with some cork for a side project, and decided to make something from the leftovers, and bahm, a ring made from cork, then squished into a rectangle shape, then hardened with epoxy, though I’m testing out other elements such polyurethanes, glues, starches, and other such compounds. I’m still playing around with mixing cork with other materials such as leather, silver, or wood…hopefully I’ll have more to show soon.
I’ve added it to the sidebar “Stuff I rock” section, or you can get a larger glimpse of it here.
1.) That’s awesome, can you make me one? 😉
2.) The watch you rock, where’s it from? I’ve been looking all over for a decent watch and that’s the best I’ve seen.
1)A cork ring is, pretty easy to make, but it just takes lots of time and patients. But I guess I could make ya one…what can you make me?
2) The watch, i bought in nyc….it’s cheap…10$, and one of my favorite watches. I forget the names of the store, but you can find it often at those street fairs they have in nyc.
i’ll trade you an original acrylic on wood for a cork ring.
these are great.
for sure andy, lets do a swap….next time you make it up to boston..hehe…dogfishes on me.
I was actually going to say that same thing Woolard 🙂
I’m a web designer and an urban based artist (retired graffiti artist). I actually have many acrylic pieces on wood as well. So I can make ya a website, or a fresh acrylic painting :).