Malmesbury was the mysterious little town I’d been craving to learn more about for many reasons. As my driver had told me, it is a very quaint town with cows, which I later found out meant, I’d probably run into some cows while walking abouts the incredibly picturesque landscape, which did happen (cows are big up close and a bit scary when they mooo at you then). Usually in my tech-centric world I’d rely on Google Earth to get a glimpse of the city, but since Malmesbury is so small, it only had blury images of the place. The hotel I stayed at was a refreshing glimpse back into the past with antique furniture within a stone and wooden built house with tiny little details throughout that is absent in todays modern world. Their staff was incredibly friendly and the room I stayed in was super cute. They also had a marvelous garden area which I lounged at for a bit of time while sketching. Malmesbury is an astonishingly beautiful town with many amazing houses and expensive cars. More pics after the jump…

This is the very peaceful garden behind the hotel which had these really cool seats to lounge in. I sat here for an hour or so sketching. While absorbing the amazing weather.

This is the backside of the hotel with an amazing rustic stone vibe. All the doors in this town are a bit shorter than what we are use to in the states as people were not that tall way back when. I think they mentioned somethign about being one of the oldest hotels in the area.

Kickin it in one of the lounges in the hotel. Very peaceful and calming.

The bar inside the hotel basement. It felt more like a classic pub I’d read about in books, otherwise, it was a great space to make conversation though everyone knew each other.

A human sized chess board in the back patio of the Wild Duck Inn. I had some pretty awesome grilled scallops here which included the whole scallop and not just the muscle portion which is usual in the states. At first I thought it was a crab leg stuck onto the scallop, but it’s the whole body. Good food, good drinks, and good company, makes for good times!

This was the view from my hotel overlooking the very small town which takes no more than an hour to walk around.