I’ve been rockin these recycled yarn MUJI socks for a few weeks now and have to say they are great! In fact, after testing out the first set, I went back to the store and bought another set! My friends have bought up to three sets! They are stylish, comfortable, fun, and colorful. The colors are somewhat odd for some, but thats what makes them fantastic! From a vibrant apple green to a purple haze and a busy blue fuze. If your looking to jazz up your sock collection, head on over to your local MUJI store and get a fresh pair of them…or, get them online here!
Hi there,
i was browsing the core77 website this afternoon, i came across ur work which led me to ur website and ur blog. I’ll just like to say ur work is quite interesting and u seem to know alot of stuff (quite in-tuned to the things happening around u too…) and still have a alot of fun at the same time… (not to say u cant have ’em both at the same time…) but its juz tat i felt that u r really enjoying, and ur work probably equals fun and vice versa, so i juz tot of dropin u a mgs sayin that its really great that u have such passion for the things that u do, and that there should be more people like u around… know wat i’m sayin? i hope u’ve managed to understood the above gibberish (ah….haha…!…!) basically it jusy means, Good on ya mate…!
thanks for checking out my site and blog!! And thank for the comment… It’s always nice to hear from readers.
Fun, work, life, fun, fun, work, fun, food, fun, food!!
That’s alright! and guess wat… i had my first lecture cum tutorial studio thingy on Multimedia and webpage design today… and we had to use a Mac computer… ) it was abit confusing at first, but i managed to get use to it after about 10 mins…) then all that “blah blah blah ….. and that ” were quite confusing too, and the lecturer spoke really quickly and didn’t really explain each step properly and what each symbol meant and represent… and i got lost not too long after that… luckily there was a guy next to me who was quite well versed and helped me out… phew! I now appreciate and will never take web builders for granted! 😛
woops… theres some words missing from my previous mgs… “…. than all that ” blah blah blah and that ….”
ah, the world of webdesign….I can design, but coding is still a baffaling matrix of dots and letters that get me confused often. I’ve had some friends and a sister that have helped me code my webpages, and I just add or subtract data.
Best of luck, and let me know when you have your first design webpage up!
haha! i’m sorry i was trying to type the html codes in…. but it wouldnt come up… hmm.. i tot it only works in the text box… apperently not… cool… i’ve learnt something else today ….
hey ur online! its 4.52 in australia now…
yup, and its 3.27 am over here in Boston. time to sleep
cool… gd nite! and if ur using msn… feel free to add me yea!
if ya use AIM, you can find me at “designverb” 😉
i hate these socks cuz they don’t stay on your feet. they keep slipping off.
Yo go! Muji Muji…haha, i know ya love em causes ya bought them. They dont fall off my feet…maybe those dr scholls inserts of yours makes them slide off.