
rodgab Rodrigo y Gabriela

Simply amazing and breahtaking!!! Incredibly unique vibrant sound with a pop! A Latin percussive acoustic guitar duo with a thrash metal Influence!

I heard them live at Poptech2006. Hit up their website here or here, their myspace page, listen to them on YouTube here, or select videos here, then buy their CD here!

update: Another amazing performance of the duo on the Letterman Show. Also a nice video tutorial on their magical sound!


I’m zippin off to the PopTech Conference in Camden Maine for an amazing idea gathering. I’ve heard it’s very comparable to GEL or TED and based on the line-up of speakers, I can see why. If you think your missing out…not at all because all the freakin speakers will be webcast LIVE here!!!

Here’s a partial list of speakers that I’m familiar with though the unknowns are the ones that usually captivate me:

Chris Anderson: Long Tail, Editor and Chief of Wired Magazine.
Stewart Brand: Long Now Foundation and Global Business Network.
Blaine Brownell: Architect, sustainable building advisor, and materials researcher.
Homaro Cantu: Chef, Scientist, Artist.
Richard Dawkins: The world’s most influential thinker on evolutionary biology
Brian Eno: musical legend, innovator, visual artist, and pop icon.
Juan Enriquez: Futurist, author of As the Future Catches You
and The Untied States of America.
Ze Frank: This dudes amazzzingly funny.
Kevin Kelly: Technology Visionary. Has a great blog as well.
Bruce Streling: Futurist, science fiction author, jounalist and critic.
Craig Venter: Dedicated to human genomic research.
Will Wright: Creative force behind the groundbreaking Sims franchises and Spore!!.

To make up for the week, some goodies:
– spider on a bill.
– Real money is magnetic!
– Interesting discussion about Emotional Design and Cultures.
Jumpcut– online video editor(Yahoo bought recently)
– Chris Angel: levitation trick revealed!