I’m zippin off to the PopTech Conference in Camden Maine for an amazing idea gathering. I’ve heard it’s very comparable to GEL or TED and based on the line-up of speakers, I can see why. If you think your missing out…not at all because all the freakin speakers will be webcast LIVE here!!!
Here’s a partial list of speakers that I’m familiar with though the unknowns are the ones that usually captivate me:
– Chris Anderson: Long Tail, Editor and Chief of Wired Magazine.
– Stewart Brand: Long Now Foundation and Global Business Network.
– Blaine Brownell: Architect, sustainable building advisor, and materials researcher.
– Homaro Cantu: Chef, Scientist, Artist.
– Richard Dawkins: The world’s most influential thinker on evolutionary biology
– Brian Eno: musical legend, innovator, visual artist, and pop icon.
– Juan Enriquez: Futurist, author of As the Future Catches You
and The Untied States of America.
– Ze Frank: This dudes amazzzingly funny.
– Kevin Kelly: Technology Visionary. Has a great blog as well.
– Bruce Streling: Futurist, science fiction author, jounalist and critic.
– Craig Venter: Dedicated to human genomic research.
– Will Wright: Creative force behind the groundbreaking Sims franchises and Spore!!.
To make up for the week, some goodies:
– spider on a bill.
– Real money is magnetic!
– Interesting discussion about Emotional Design and Cultures.
– Jumpcut– online video editor(Yahoo bought recently)
– Chris Angel: levitation trick revealed!