Ooo, STEM is a simple design for a whimsical functional outcome. For a fresh zest of citrus on your food or drink, no need to cut it open…just stick it in and zap away (though I seem to recall zest being better from the fruits skin)
“A brilliant Quirky object currently undergoing production is the Stem, a quick, novel and efficient way to get that citrus zing without breaking out the knives.
Spray it, don’t squeeze it! Stem is designed to allow a cook to spray juice directly from a citrus fruit. No longer do you have to cut and squeeze your fruit to get the juice out like a common cook. With only one finger you can now spray citrus juice on your favorite foods evenly. Let Stem add a little zest in your kitchen and on your food!
Price and release date is TBA, and while you can’t do anything about the latter, they’re taking a survey on the former at the link above.”