What a great installation in Tokyo! Wish I were there to experience it…as if I were inside a big snow globe!
“‘sensing nature‘, an exhibition which rethinks the japanese perception of nature, has just opened at the mori art museum, tokyo with interpretations of the subject made by takashi kuribayashi, taro shinoda and tokujin yoshioka. the three japanese artists / designers give abstract or symbolic expression to immaterial or amorphous concepts as well as natural phenomenon such as snow, water, wind, light, stars, mountains, waterfalls and forests. their ideas of nature suggest that it is not something that is to be contrasted with the human world, but that it is something that incorporates all life-forms, including human beings. the exhibition consists of newly commissioned works by each of the three artists, each attempting to stimulate our sense of nature through large-scale installations.
designboom gave a preview of some of the works that would be on show in the exhibition, now here’s a look at the final installation of tokujin yoshioka’s ‘snow’ that is on show.”
more images after jump mirrored from designboom
I had the pleasure to meet and hear him talk about this exhibit. The pieces were amazing/speechless. We asked if he plans to exhibit the work in the US, and sad to say, he said, “Not anytime soon.” =(
hmmm, did you see him exhibit in the usa, or in Japan…. i think the usa needs something like this in every city..
We went to his office and heard the process he went through, developing the overall theme/look for the exhibit, it was in Japan. Sadly, I wasn’t able to see the work in person, but from what he showed us, it was awesome.