Above images:
Pentagrams Luke Hayman with Lisa Strausfeld and Matt Willey of Studio8 Design.
“The craigslist team isn’t interested in updating the site, so Wired asked leading designers to give it a user-interface lift.”
I love Craigslist but I’ve always wondered about their interface. Do I like it, hate it, or is it just right? As a designer I’ve always craved images, but also as a designer I love the directness in raw text. They’ve made subtle changes over the years but if they launched with a more visual design would they have been more successful, worse, or the same? What role does design actually play a part of in our society for sucess, what do people latch onto, what makes it work, and is great design about differentiating from the rest of the world?
Anyhow, I’m not sure what I’d do to improve Craiglsit since it’s just that good, besides all the spam which often becomes part of the culture.
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