I’ll be blogging the “Art Center: Serious Play” Conference with bloggers Katy and Doug throughout the week on their official conference blog here. We’ve also setup a Flickr account for a selection of photos we’ve taken here. Otherwise, the space here in the Wind Tunnel space is amazing, the creative vibe is flaring with a very diverse crowd, and the subject matter of Serious Play will be in question throughout the week!
Some pics and brief descriptions after the jump!
The conference takes place in a renovated Wind tunnel hanger that is seriously HUGE!
A few hours before the conference starts! Steelcase furnishes all the cool furniture…
The AV crew setting up and making sure all the tech is up and running..lots of tech going on..light, sound, video, etc…
Chee Perlman give the audience a brief on Serious Play.
Tim Brown of IDEO loosens up the crowd by having them sling rubber band rockets at him! This was awesome! Makes everyone a kid again… nothing like creativity by making everyone a kid again.
yeah, lots of rockets! Defer Judgement, Ask what is it, and what can i do, Trust play, Play hass rules and know when to play.
People loosening up by drawing the strangers next to them quickly…. don’t be afraid in getting embarrassed…just do it…adults are afraid to be wrong, and that’s where creativity becomes hindered.
A extra special illusion demonstration by MICHAEL MOSCHEN.
Target opening party…ahh, time to chill!
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