I’m the type that rarely has time for TV(seen more shows on airlines), but sometimes that TV playing in the background catches my attention and I’m hooked on a TV show or two(three, four). One huge problem is catching a show in the mist of a series and not really understanding everything. What now; TiVo, Bit Torrent, Kazaa, alloftv.net, or wait for the DVDs?
Well, now for the great news! I recently (finally) caught an episode of LOST and got addicted a few weeks back and was drastically confused and curious. Luckily abc.com started streaming all of their episodes online last summer, and just recently announced they would be streaming their shows at HD(high definition) quality in July!
Anyhoots, The LOST season finale “Through the Looking Glass” is tonight, so if your like me, and missed a bunch of their episodes, go watch their TV streams and prepare for the ever elusive season finale tonight! Otherwise, watch any of your other favorite ABC shows. NBC.com(HEROES) also streams their shows now. I’m sure many other TV networks will do the same (it’s TiVo online!)
update: in case any of ya’ll are interested in what was written in that mysterious “newspaper clipping” from the seasons finale episode, click after the jump for the rumored somewhat seen answer. via LostPedia
“”The body of John Lantham of New York was found shortly after 4 am in the 4300 block of Grand Avenue. Ted Worden, a doorman at the Tower Lofts complex, heard loud noises coming from the victim’s loft. Concerned for tenants’ safety, he entered the loft and found the body hanging from a beam in the living room. According to Jaime Ortiz, a police spokesman, the incident was deemed a suicide after medical tests. Latham (sic) is survived by one teenaged son. Memorial services will be held at the Hoffs-Drawlar Funeral Home tomorrow evening.” this is according to yesbutnobutyes
Too bad ABC uses it’s own media player which doesn’t work on many computers and is too slow on many others. I just wait for my Lost episodes to come out on the many video sharing sites that will work on any computer.
thats odd…right before I posted this, abc had a web based option on the right hand side of that “LAUNCH” version…i guess they want everyone to use it now..its just a plug in..takes 3 secs to DL. I’ll post the old video format version if i can find it, but it seems they decided to change it all….probably because they are about to luanch the HD version soon.