Here’s a nifty little USB gadget that reminds us how bad our posture gets as we naturally lean into computer monitors, especially laptop users. Basically it sounds an alarm when your head’s too close to the monitor. I actually had a geeky solution back in grad school for this. I put an adjustable metal shelf on my desk where my laptop was then used the lower shelf with padding as a head rest.
The above image reminded me a of a note a manager once told me 5 years ago while discussing the digital age in the internet and TV: “If you lean 15 degrees forward your using the internet(interacting), but once you lean 15 degrees backwards you watching TV(absorbing)”. This can be applied to many other activities as well.
Anyhoots, if you buy this, I’m sure you’ll find more than one use for it.
Cool find _tango! (sorry for the late comment, I’m still catching up on a months worth of content on my feed reader) 🙂 Here’s something you might not know. The average head weights the equivalent of a 10 pound bowling ball, now imagine that 10 pound ball at the end of a 6″ long pole and what force it takes to keep it upright if it were to tip forward. Of course, your neck is freakishly strong but it still produces a slight strain. Plus, your back takes a beating being hunched over in front of a computer for so long. Anyway, awesome find!
tomas…no problem on the lateness..i’ve been rather busy and havent had time to blog anything this week….then again, i havent found much this week.
The head weight….yup, i know about it(infocommecials on pillows late at night explain this part) Otherwise, I need one of these gizmos since I use a laptop…a large screen would solve this problem to, but that $5k for a 30″ monitor will have to wait for now 😉
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