Whooohoooo!!! That’s the sound of someone blazing down this new slick carbon slide in the Red Bull office in London right before a meeting! Jump-Studios has created a dynamic interactive space pumped full of adrenaline in this 3 floor escapade for employees of Red Bull filled with stimulating features and activities for everyone to experience! Any tie wearing client is bound to transform into a cool craving stunt junkie after a quick plunge here.
I’m not sure when the last time I was pumped to go to an office, but I’d think a fun environment like this filled with a few cases of Red Bull would do the trick! From ping pong table meeting rooms, to floating staircases, a slick slide, to a modern bar and cafe, and a comfy lounge area… I’d wonder if the balcony had a bungee jump bridge for adrenaline breaks.
For more info on the Red Bull HQ and other sweet projects, hit up Jump-Studios website. More sweet pics after the jump…
Reception desk!
View from the top floor entrance.
Overlooking the sweet staircase and slick slide!
Ping pong meeting! Buh yeah!
why can’t anyone do anything original these days? Why does EVERYTHING new have to look like an iPod? Yes it looks cool, but really?!?!?
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Looks pretty original to me Dave.
Looking forward to your groundbreaking ideas.
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How does it look like an ipod?.. rofl?
Can a building be designed to look.. like an ipod?
I’m agree on Ipod design!!!!
seroius if you are a person like david pfffffffffffffffffffffff
so wtf if it looks like a ipod
it cool
get a grip dudes
With all that money it’s too bad they could only come up with this sterile, homogenised enviroment. What about trees and waterfalls to instill a sense of calm and hide the boring suits you inevitably find yourself woking with. Unimaginative creeps pushing this sugary drink that at the end of the day is adding to our obesity epidemic!
My design would have that slide leading to the unemployment office.
Did someone say, ‘designer cocaine?’
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is that the latest apple store?
i don’t see any of their products – but that seems to be the new strategy – go virtual – download mp3s to your brain directly – apple is really a cool company.
honestly – i wonder if the architects had too much red bull. and i always thought with the dot.com desaster we also got rid of the “i have to have table tennis and a basketball basket in my office to have relaxed workers” attitiude. seemingly the next bubble is coming – i just wonder if its the soft-drink bubble this time.
I like the various design aspects of it. I don’t like the gimmickey “stimulating” aspects. A slide and a ping pong table in the meeting room. wtf? Whats stimulating about a slide, the workers must be seriously repressed introverts to be stimulated by a slide my 8 year old son would find tame.
No cliched firemans pole?
How long before someone bullishly removes the net from the ping pong table because they are fed up with it snagging documents!
Vertical drop slides are pretty stimulating!
Perfect design. i will save this pics and i will use 🙂
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No me parece que el diseño sea una mala solución, si parece demasiado a apple habra sido el objetivo, lo que no me parece bien es el equipamiento de colchonetas en las oficnas, quien trabaja ahi? pareciera que van a ver tele y jugar al ping pong! el detalle de la escaler muy bueno!
amazing concept haha i love that slide..wanna try those!!!
nice combination of colors..materials and forms..interesting and fun.
never occur to me that red bull wants this kind of design lol
cool tho 😉
great work *clap**Clap*
Ick. How does this pale, empty environment stimulate thinking. Natural environment that suggests interesting connections is better than this bland, sterile officescape. My picture: Papers fly as person slides to meeting.
Es una muestra de diseño demasiado vanguardista, es increible que se critique con puntos negativos, ya que es un lugar de trabajo para gente joven e innovadora, es un gran trabajo, ya que tiene dos puntos, el primero referente a la solucion de la arquitectura y el segundo lo refiero a el diseño industrial, ambas ramas van de la mano y es imposible no observar desde un punto de vista positivo. Maravilloso diria yo, innovador y contemporaneo sin dejar la expresion arquitectonica, el diseño industrial y el diseño de interiores
i agree
them architects/designers of this “office” must have bonded with a silly pill or two to pull an idea like this from sketch, to finish. nice
I’d like to see a fattie go down that slide – now that would be so unPC – like your thinking – really controversial – very gorilla ff’s sake!
they need all that stuff to energize their employees because their drinks sure don’t do that! they just make ’em crash and burn. not that i’m saying their a bad company, just the product is invalid. there is so much sugar in it, once your body uses it all it doesn’t know where to store the rest of the excess sugars and your body actually becomes less energized than it was before.
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Think about what Red Bull is, how seriously unnecessary it is as a product. This is an environment designed for a bubble-marketing economic culture. It’s a frame to reinforce self-importance and awareness of image over substance. Check this place out in five years – if it’s still standing. It’ll be a real estate office.
Designers tell themselves all kinds of stories about the “importance” of their work; people who aren’t owned by the designers or the companies who pay them (are you listening, Frank?) see through it, but have to live with it. As in language, usage determines everything, and this steel and plastic pit is a container for deluded drones. The “hipness” is a fascistic reminder: You are working in an important place, doing important things to sell an important drug.
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It would be best to schedule your day’s meeting starting on the top floor and ending on the lower ones….Solid sliding all day long.
Actually, rather than cretaive stimulation, I would venture a guess that the slide does a better job of promoting coworker relations (i.e teamwork)…. you have to feel like a complete tool on that slide in the middle of a work day, so if you can easily feel unashamed at work just to get to the other floor, those barriers to better teamwork are already taken care of. Pretty cool concept.
I think it’s great when companies value a quality work environment. I personally don’t like the cold, modern feel of this office. I like a highly customizable approach. Each person has his/her own preferences for what makes a productive work space.
Whenever I see an overly fancy office like this, I also can’t help but think of a commnet Peter Lynch made. He said that he always likes to see a company headquarters that’s not luxurious because it means they’re too focused on making money to worry about it. My question is, how can you tell if shabby offices are a result of focusing on revenues versus not having revenue.
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That’s what RED BULL is all about..
nice concept..
well done =D
IMPRESIONANTE! POCO a POCO conseguiremos un mundo mas Vistoso!!!.. i love ID. CONGRATULATIONs REDBULL HQ.. nice&veryNice Concept
What does “It looks like an ipod” mean? Seriously. Talk about overgeneralizing a relationship between two completely different intetions with vastly different scales and material composition.
No wonder Red Bull is $2.00 a can. I want a slide!
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i need this jod!!?!?
but, the ping pong table is not a circle, so, please change this form…
i stay very very happyness in see the quality with some people works, but i don’t this luck…
love red bull and drink every day…
bye bye LUU…
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il cocko
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I love slides ever since i was little
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I think this design is interesting in that it’s really more retro than modern. This looks a lot more like the lounges in 2001 A Space Odessey than anything you see in new office buildings (at least in Chicago). Call it post-modern kitsch…I rather like it.
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I hope the people that work in this building aren’t as cold and sterile as the design!!!!
buildings cant look like ipods
im also submitting this idea to our church’s committee in preparation for a remodeling of our church.
vous etes debile