I Looooooooove great restaurants.
Here are a few in the boston area that top my list:
Oishi– Probably the best sushi rolls and presentations I have seen. Great environment.
Ole Mexican Grill– Incredible vibrant environment, and their food plain rocks!!!!!!!
Cambridge 1– Yummy thin crust pizza, salads, and wines. Interior designed by some GSD kids.
Helmands– Great Afganistan food!!! Dishes I have never herd of, but taste incredible.
East Coast Grill– Great lively environment and seafood. Also some great BBQ.
Bob and Timmys– By far my favorite pizza. Thin, simple, lots of selection, great environment, and a hidden gem. Providence, RI
Cuchi Cuchi– Tapas, Tapas, Sangria…a bit pricy, but interesting space.
Koreana– Yummy BBQ and a variety of other Korean dishes. Great space for a group of friends to relax and have fun.
Enormous Room– This is more of a lounge, with a bar, and a few simple, but delightly dishes. Lively music and large rugs to lay down on make this a hotspot for college kids.
Craige Street Bistro– Unbelievable food with wine combinations and a cozy environment. Be prepared to pay a bit more here.
Tamarind Bay– Spice, Spice, Spice…..a refreshing and cozy space with great indian food.
BostonChefs– a great resource of Boston area restaurants. Has pictures, menus, etc.
A few I have not tried, but am craving to go:
BlueGinger (chef Ming, an Iron Chef!)
Oleana– Many people say this is the best!
Dali’s– Fun tapas, spicy environment!
Spire – Fancy, Bold, pricey.
Midwest Grill– Brazillian BBQ
For more reviews, hit up my Yelp reviews.