
Wow, this is bizzarre, cool, and ever so slightly creepy! A shop in Akihabara called Clone Factory will scan you face, produce a very realistic 3D-print of your head, then attach it to a 20 inch doll of your choice! The creepy part is how real the head looks compared to how doll like the bodies are. For an in-depth pictorial documentation in the process, look at our ever so loving dancing Storm Trooper Danny Choo’s documentation here!

A few pics from dannys process mirrored after the jump.
via LaughingSquid

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Some awesome mathematical and nature inspired jewelry, housewares products by Nervous System.

“Nervous System is a design studio that works at the intersection of science, art, and technology. We create using a novel process that employs computer simulation to generate designs and digital fabrication to realize products. Drawing inspiration from natural phenomena, we write computer programs mimicking processes and patterns found in nature and use those programs to create unique and affordable art, jewelry, and housewares.”

thanks sijia!

People Staring at Computers from Kyle McDonald on Vimeo.

Have you ever smirked at how you looked when your webcam turned on and you looked awfully depressed and miserable, then quickly perked up just to look decent?.
We’ll, with the thousands of us that think about it, leave it to creative Kyle McDonald to come up with a project that automatically took pictures of you at this moment then showed it to you. Pretty cool project! People Staring at Computers project!

Pepsi-Coca-Cola Reversion

Coca-Cola Pepsi Reversion

haha, this is awesome. A bit of Branding mashup. Do you know the two brands?!

“In UK logo designer Graham Smith’s “Brand Reversions,” he plays with some of the most recognizable brands byremixing their logos with those of their major competitors. When viewing the schizophrenic logos that result, it’s hard not to be disoriented–a testament to the power of brand identities.”

via and mirrored from laughing squid

More after the jump.

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Awesome. I want!!

“The Untitled (Hello World) sign by Valentin Ruhry is an enormous grid of 5,000 orange rocker switches that illuminate when switched on. The piece is currently on display as part of the Fünf Räume (five rooms) exhibition at the Austrian Cultural Forum NYC through September 5. I can only hope they might let you flick a few of these awesomely tactile switches. (via triangulation)”

via thisiscollassol

I’m heading out to SF towards Sebastopol for a new unconference that I have never been to but was incredibly excited to be invited to  FooCamp (Friends of O’Reiley) which is an invitational camp, where 250 awesome people, hackers, designers, creators, makers, and questioners  gather to come up with whatever is on their mind and have great discussions with people from all over the world from different fields to boggle your mind! I’ve had quite a few friends attend and everyone seems to be energized full of ideas and disruptive ones when they return from this 3 day backyard camp gathering. There is not much online about it, but here is a write up from our friends Andrew on his experience a few years ago! I’ll be back next week with lots to write up about, and keep secret at times. Let me know if your in SF. I’m out there right before Foocamp this week.

(picture from laughingsquid)

I’ve been waiting to visit Jay Walkers incredible “Library of Imagination” for several years now and in about 12 hours I’ll be inside pondering, wondering, imagining, and wishing I could take everyone along. I’d write more about it, but the 2008 TED video above or the Wired article will explain it best until after I return, though I’ll have no photos as this is not allowed during my visit. I’ll have to thank TEDmed for arranging this visit, which is also a must go to conference I highly recommend.

One of my favorite talks this year:
“A future more beautiful? Architect Thomas Heatherwick shows five recent projects featuring ingenious bio-inspired designs. Some are remakes of the ordinary: a bus, a bridge, a power station … And one is an extraordinary pavilion, the Seed Cathedral, a celebration of growth and light.”

via tedtalks

If your a UI designer you’ll appreciate these “UI Stencil” templates for for the iPad, iPhone, Windows7 phone, website, and Android phones along with some 1:1 ratio sketch pads.  Never again doodle out of proportion and know exactly what icons are used in those interfaces! Made from stainless steel and cost around $25.

A follow up from the TEDxCambridge event I co-organized: Chandler Burr, the New York Times perfume critic from 2006-2010, is the Director and Curator of the Center of Olfactory Art at the Museum of Arts and Design in New York City. In his TedxCambridge talk he speaks about eating scent and smelling food.