
Did you ever invent with boxes and leftovers when you were younger? We’ll I certainly did and this video documenting 9 year old Cain certainly brought me back to those days, but back in those days, there was no Youtube, or internet….but if there was…something like the video above might have just happened.

After watching in  the delightful rather cheery video, go check out CainsArcade website, and help them raise money and others like Cain for future education. (they already have close to 200k!)

Hydro-Fold by ECAL/Christophe Guberan from ECAL on Vimeo.

WOW! Hydro-Fold is a beautiful project taking thin sheets and printing watery thin patterns on them allowing them to fold up by themselves!  Watch the video above and watch the magic happen.

See more images here, or after the jump!
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Very fun infographic between the difference between UI, UX, and the rest of what makes many things work.

“Ever met someone who uses UX and UI interchangeably? Ed Lea created this photographic infographic to visually define the differences between user experience and user interface design and how they relate to a product.”


My favorite gathering is happening in beautiful Monterey CA next week at a magical gathering known as The EG Conference April 12-14.
If you take a peek at past and this years eclectic presenters, you’ll be as amused and curious as I am every year to attend this brain safari of wonder.
If your attending, please let me know, or pass this post around to friends that might be interested.

As a special extension to EG this year, they are offering the entire live web-stream of the event for $200, but they are also offering me a special link for friends at half price! Yup, $100 for a few days of live, provoking, entertaining, talks.

To get a hold of this special gift, go here and  learn more about EG Everywhere! You get to see all the spectacular talks live for $100 vs the $4000 ticket price!  Sign up, call your friends up, have a 2-3 day Salon at your house with food and drinks, and get inspired! Then perhaps decide if you can attend the actual conference to experience the rest of the magic!


Onstage at TED2012, Peter Diamandis makes a case for optimism — that we’ll invent, innovate and create ways to solve the challenges that loom over us. “I’m not saying we don’t have our set of problems; we surely do. But ultimately, we knock them down.”

You know that saying that about Wine needing some time to “breathe”, or letting it get some air. Well it is true, and you can either open the bottle many hours earlier, pour it into a large glass decanter, or into one of those gadgets that add bubbles to your glass as you pour which result in a gargling sound. But did you also know the fastest and most efficient way is sticking a hand blender into that classy looking glass of wine, or as Tim calls it, “beating the sh*t out of it”?

It might not look that appealing but boiling it down to scientific terms, you want more of the wine surface to touch air…and the blender does just that. Anyhow, read or watch the post via Tim Ferris who learned about this through Nathan Myhrvold at tims post… otherwise i’ll mirror it after the jump.

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Sheila Nirenberg:
“Decoding sight: Neuroscientist Nirenberg is developing a non-surgical and vastly improved artificial retina strategy that deciphers neural cell codes, potentially reversing some types of blindness.”

This was by far the highlight for me at TEDmed 2011. This can pave the way for the blind to see again, or even the ability for us to see behind our backs, etc… This is a technology an development to watch out for in the upcoming years! What would you do if you could use this technology?

via tedmed

AJ Jacobs:
“What’s harder than Living Biblically? Try following every bit of the latest health advice. A.J. Jacobs, author and human guinea pig, shares the results of his latest yearlong quest to become “the healthiest man alive.””

This is one of the more whimsical but good to know lectures from TEDmed 2011. I’m in the mist of doing the Tim Ferris Diet and lots of AJ’s points are in this talk.

via tedmed

I love good packaging, I love great user experiences, and to this I must say I love the packaging manual VitaminDesign did for Samsung(“>video here). It’s a beautiful step by step process to show you how to put your phone together and how to do stuff…the phone becomes the real Interface while getting printed instruction… awesome! I’d love to get my hands on one of these if anyone has a set to send over =).
Awesome work VitaminDesign and Samsung!