My favorite gathering is happening in beautiful Monterey CA next week at a magical gathering known as The EG Conference April 12-14.
If you take a peek at past and this years eclectic presenters, you’ll be as amused and curious as I am every year to attend this brain safari of wonder.
If your attending, please let me know, or pass this post around to friends that might be interested.
As a special extension to EG this year, they are offering the entire live web-stream of the event for $200, but they are also offering me a special link for friends at half price! Yup, $100 for a few days of live, provoking, entertaining, talks.
To get a hold of this special gift, go here and learn more about EG Everywhere! You get to see all the spectacular talks live for $100 vs the $4000 ticket price! Sign up, call your friends up, have a 2-3 day Salon at your house with food and drinks, and get inspired! Then perhaps decide if you can attend the actual conference to experience the rest of the magic!
My favorite conference (which is from a list of many) is coming up again April 12-14 2012. This breath-taking conference is the EG Conference (Entertainment Gathering) that gathers in beautiful Monterey CA. I’d be able to write a entire book about why this is the most fascinating gathering I have been to in 10 years, but in simple words, come experience an eclectic gathering filled with mystery, surprise, emotion, connections, and entertainment for a few days in beautiful Monterey…. you will leave imagining the entire world differently, with a different perspective, and a twinkle in your eye again for curiosity, to perhaps create magic.
Come join, this year will be my 4th in a row. Let me know if you can make it and I’ll be sure to connect. Tickets are almost sold out.
Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
For those unfamiliar with SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act), you must read and dig into this crazy Act that can and will pretty much screw up any freedom and innovation like Google, Facebook, Twitter, Blogs, Reddit, etc if it happens. Please sign up to petition against it HERE. Learn more about it from the video above from Chris Hayes.
“Sebastian Schmieg of the Netherlands created this video by feeding a transparent image to Google Image Search and asking it to find similar images, and then taking the top result and feeding it back into the similarity algorithm, 2951 times. It’s a wonderful look at an evolutionary process.”
via boingboing
Search by Image, Recursively, Transparent PNG, #1 (via Kottke)
Over the summer, at my first FooCamp, I was asked “What does Education mean to you” by the amazing team over at Vittana which you should look into.
I knew Education was incredibly important in my life and one of my thoughts made it into the Vimeo video above (with some other awesome individuals), but I thought this would be a good time to reflecte into this question a bit more for the holiday break.
What does Education mean to me?
Education is the opportunity to learn from the world and discover myself to share with others.
Education gives me the ability to breath, to grow, to be curious, to be wrong, and at times be right.
Without Education, I’d never learn, I’d never try, I’d never know myself, nor would I even question if I were wrong or right.
Education enables life.
Education is what makes us human.
If you have some thoughts on What does Education mean to you, drop a note over to the team at Vittana… I’m sure they would appreciate it.

Mirrored images after the jump via kuriositas.
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Wow! A must watch. I’ve followed news of these tribes untouched to the modern world. I had no clue people actually went in to meet them. Watch this footage and several clips online.
via boinboing
“[Video Link] This is a fascinating 15-minute video that shows a hunter-gatherer tribe in Papua New Guinea meeting with people from the outside world for the first time. They are very cautious, but also very curious, about the man on the other side of the river. They eventually cross the river to meet Jean-Pierre Dutilleux, the producer of Tribal Journeys: The Toulambi. When the men see Dutilleux’s clothing, they then look at the clothes they are wearing, as if for the first time. When they stroke Dutilleux’s hair, they then stroke their own hair.
It looks like all five parts of the documentary are on YouTube.”
I’ll post all 5 videos after the jump.
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I’ve been waiting to visit Jay Walkers incredible “Library of Imagination” for several years now and in about 12 hours I’ll be inside pondering, wondering, imagining, and wishing I could take everyone along. I’d write more about it, but the 2008 TED video above or the Wired article will explain it best until after I return, though I’ll have no photos as this is not allowed during my visit. I’ll have to thank TEDmed for arranging this visit, which is also a must go to conference I highly recommend.
According to Wikipedia:
“Before its acquisition by Google, the gmail.com domain name was used by a free e-mail service offered by Garfield.com, online home of the comic strip Garfield.”
Interesting how things work out. I wonder what the alternatives were? goomail, gomail, Omail, etc
If your a UI designer you’ll appreciate these “UI Stencil” templates for for the iPad, iPhone, Windows7 phone, website, and Android phones along with some 1:1 ratio sketch pads. Never again doodle out of proportion and know exactly what icons are used in those interfaces! Made from stainless steel and cost around $25.