
009 - Cousin

Wow, this is weird, but cool!

“In the “Genetic Portraits” photo series, Canadian photographer Ulric Collette combines the portraits of two members of the same family into one half-and-half composite in order to illustrate the family’s visual similarities. My Modern Metropolis interviewed Collete about the ongoing project.

photos by Ulric Collette

Mirrored images after the jump via laughingsquid

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“This making of the “Evolution of Games” is an impressive, coordinated and directed masterpiece, and proof that not everything is done inside of a computer.
It’s fun to see the piece come to life while watching the finished piece in the same window. Hooray for handiwork. ”

via brandflakeforbreakfast

Penwald: 4: unison symmetry standing from Tony Orrico on Vimeo.

Some pretty neat work by artist Tony Orrico. Check out his drawings and videos. Or a quick Google Image Search will show you his work.

Tony Orrico is a visual artist, performer, and choreographer. His Penwald Drawings have been presented and exhibited internationally, attracting attention from prominent collectors and institutions.”

Jonathan R. Trappe is a pilot of an unusual aircraft: literally a towering cluster of toy balloons. Didn’t you have this dream, as a child? Just holding onto a cluster of balloons, and floating off into open space? Trappe flies exactly this fantasy aircraft, in manned flight, through open skies.”

via EG

“Stephen Tobolowsky is one of the leading character actors in film today. USA Today listed Stephen as the 9th most frequently seen actor in movies. He has appeared in over 100 films and 200 television shows. He is best known for playing Ned Ryerson in Groundhog Day, Sammy Jankis in Memento, Werner Brandes in Sneakers, Happy Chapman in Garfield, and Mr. Bates in Freaky Friday.”

via EG

Elliott Erwitt was born in Paris to Russian émigré parents on July 26th, 1928. His journalistic essays, illustrations, and advertisements have been featured in publications around the world for over half a century. To date he continues to be one of the leading figures in the competitive field of photography.”

via EG

Awesome Series. What Runners look before and after!

“Last summer, Sacha Goldberger decided he would take on a very interesting project. He assembled a team who helped him create an outdoor studio at Bois de Boulogne, a park located near Paris that’s 2 1/2 times the size of New York’s Central Park. He stopped joggers, asking them for a favor – would they sprint for him and then pose right after for his camera? Many obliged. Out of breath, these joggers showed an overwhelming amount of fatigue on their faces.

Goldberger then asked these same people to come into his professional studio exactly one week later. Using the same light, he asked them to pose the same way they had before.

“I wanted to show the difference between our natural and brute side versus how we represent ourselves to society,” Goldberger tells us. “The difference was very surprising.”

Look at the rest of the series via MyModernMet

Some awesome mathematical and nature inspired jewelry, housewares products by Nervous System.

“Nervous System is a design studio that works at the intersection of science, art, and technology. We create using a novel process that employs computer simulation to generate designs and digital fabrication to realize products. Drawing inspiration from natural phenomena, we write computer programs mimicking processes and patterns found in nature and use those programs to create unique and affordable art, jewelry, and housewares.”

thanks sijia!

Wow! A must watch. I’ve followed news of these tribes untouched to the modern world. I had no clue people actually went in to meet them. Watch this footage and several clips online.
via boinboing

“[Video Link] This is a fascinating 15-minute video that shows a hunter-gatherer tribe in Papua New Guinea meeting with people from the outside world for the first time. They are very cautious, but also very curious, about the man on the other side of the river. They eventually cross the river to meet Jean-Pierre Dutilleux, the producer of Tribal Journeys: The Toulambi. When the men see Dutilleux’s clothing, they then look at the clothes they are wearing, as if for the first time. When they stroke Dutilleux’s hair, they then stroke their own hair.

It looks like all five parts of the documentary are on YouTube.”

I’ll post all 5 videos after the jump.
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Our fashion friend Diana Eng just launched a new set of laser cut shirts and tops using precision distress floral cell-inspired lace patterns which you can buy at her store here! There are various pattens and colors but I picked the ones I liked most to post here but check out the rest of the designs here. The Cuts are designed so that it only gets better over time. I need some laser cut dress shirts now!

People Staring at Computers from Kyle McDonald on Vimeo.

Have you ever smirked at how you looked when your webcam turned on and you looked awfully depressed and miserable, then quickly perked up just to look decent?.
We’ll, with the thousands of us that think about it, leave it to creative Kyle McDonald to come up with a project that automatically took pictures of you at this moment then showed it to you. Pretty cool project! People Staring at Computers project!