Hey all! I’ve got a little secret to spill that I’ve been keeping hush for almost a year! I’m in a TV show and it premieres on PBS today!!!!
The shows called “Everyday Edisons“:
“Everybody has a great idea that could change the way we work, the way we live or the way we play. Everyday Edisons documents the development process of 14 inventions and the parallel stories of the people who invented them. Selected from thousands, the 14 Everyday Edisons learn how their extraordinary ideas are taken from a sketch on a napkin to a store shelf.”
Check out the EverydayEdisons.com page or the PBS page. Find out your local PBS air dates and times here. (I’m in the 2nd half of the season but will appear at the beginning I think)
It’s a thrill to be one of the dozen inventors hand picked from thousands to be on the show. This adventure continues a project I invented while at RISD back in 1999 which made the blogsphere rounds in 2004-5.
I’m not sure what to expect nor how the show ends (good or bad) but that’s all part of the fun. It might not be as entertaining as reality TV, but you’ll get to see my goofy serious self!! And no, it’s not like the “other” reality show I’ve been on… this one is much more professional. There is no competition, the US patent office sponsors the show, and they actually spend over a year developing each inventors idea!
I’ll post a few articles that have been published about the show and myself after the jump (fun pictures)! Please watch and let me know how it goes, cause I don’t receive the channels it’s being broadcast on (booo).
update: episodes posted after jump
Wicked Local article! Full page!!!
This is my creative space! Where I do lots of work and post on designverb when I actually have time late into the wee hours of the night/morning (it’s 4:55am on a Thursday right now…works in 4 hours)
A quick doodle I made of the Anemone Alarm Clock! (In the show, the new brand name is revealed and it’s awesome!)
Lawrence Journal World!(my hometown growing up) (I don’t have the print yet, but here it is online)
Some screen shots from the live homepage of Everyday Edisons!
I’ll add more as the show broadcasts! WHoohoooooOO!OOoO!OO
“Aaron on Everyday Edisons
The show where Aaron and his alarm clock are introduced on Everyday Edisons.
Shown on June 28, 2008″
“Aaron on Everyday Edisons – “Ideation Creation”
The 2nd episode where Aaron appears on Everyday Edisons for his alarm clock
This episode aired on August 16, 2008″
“Aaron on Everyday Edisons – “Engineers Gone Wild”
The 3rd episode where Aaron appears on Everyday Edisons for his alarm clock
Aired on August 23, 2008″
“Aaron on Everyday Edisons – “Prototypes and Websites”
The 4th episode where Aaron appears on Everyday Edisons for his alarm clock
Aired on August 30, 2008″
“Aaron on Everyday Edisons – “Take My Breath Away”
The 5th episode where Aaron appears on Everyday Edisons for his alarm clock
Aired on September 6, 2008″
Congratulations Aaron! We’ve had a great time working with you and your product on the show. Have you set up your account on Edison Nation yet? Check it out at http://www.edisonnation.com. Many of the other inventors from Everyday Edisons also have profiles up there – and a lot of people are talking about the show and inventions in the forums.
Matt Spangard
Everyday Edisons & Edison Nation
thanks matt… I look forward in seeing the final results =)
Too bad there wasnt a premiere party this year…would have been nice to see ya’ll again..maybe soon though yeah !
Tango! All of those late nights in the ID studio have paid off!! How do I see the show in Denmark?? Phil
phil…man, i wih i knew how. I’m not even sure how to get it over in boston yet…it’s broadcasting on the HD PBS which I do not have! buggers, my own show and I cant watch it! hahha… come on over anytime!
congratulations lil’ brother!!!! i’m so proud of you!
oh my GAWD! Dude that’s GREAT! I still drool over your Popsicle lamp! You were always the smartest and and most fun ID person in school! I’m totally gonna have to check this out now.
Way to go. Looks like you’re having fun.
How exciting! Wish i could see it here in the UK but will watch out for YouTube clips. Congratulations!
Very nice, you deserve to be on a better quality show then that other show we were on together. I’ll be watching for sure.
Super cool!
I want one!
awesome!!!!!! i remember you telling me that thing went off in your black bag in the subway.. and people were givin you weird looks…ahhahahaha.. i want one too!
Awesome! Congratulations!
proud of you, son!
Aaron, I can’t believe this. This is so crazy. You never cease to amaze me! I bet your folks are really proud of you! I don’t know where I can watch it though…
CONGRATS AARON! We had a blast on the set of the “OTHER” show, but I am SO PROUD of you to have made it to the TOP with EE. I can’t wait to watch you do you thing! You are one TALENTED GUY!
The “OTHER SHOW” did help me bring my product to market, and with over 20 million viewers, and the show being aired in 21 other countries, gave us the exposure to take HEADLINE IT! to an international status.
DREAMS DO COME TRUE.. I am living proof of that with my HEALDINE IT! product, and I hope that you follow with much success.
It’s cool to see one of the Pop!Tech gang highlighted like this. Very cool…
Congratulations on this! I will definitely be watching closely, if not from the sidelines. It’s been a while since we last spoke. Hope all is well.
Eric Y.
Hiya. I’ve been a fan of your blog for about a year, taking regular inspiration from posts about independent inventors, designers and such. This bit takes the cake though. Congratulations.
Also, I’ve got a question that I was hoping you might be able to help me find the answer to.
I’ve been working on an idea for an open source product/company for several years, and I’d like to make it a reality, but I wantto protect myself with some kind of patent. Unfortunately, I know nothing about patent law. It complicates the matter that the “product” is more of a business model relating to an array of products than a single “thing”. Is such a thing even patentable? I also don’t know how careful I have to be talking about it because I’ve had ideas stolen from me before because I spoke too freely about them.
Even if you could just point me somewhere else, that’d be great.
Congratulations, Tango!!! This is awesome! I checked and it seems to not be airing in SF! 🙁 Hope all is well!
sweeeettt amigo mio!!! cant wait to hang out soon!! your room is fantastic!! ha ha ha.. i like all the toys by your desk! Great job on the invention! cant wait to hang saturday!!!
He he, great to see this Tango, keep up the good work! One day I´ll have to get a copy of this alarm clock!
All the best from Iceland!
I just WANT IT . Please let it be for sale soon 🙂
That is so great! So excited for you! i finally got to watch the show. Now I can’t wait to go and buy one.
I found out about this alarm clock about a year ago and I am a huge fan! I am sure you get tons of people asking this, but when can I get one????????????? I know, it takes time, but would this be the place to find out when they go on sale?