You want passion, Benjamin Zander defines passion that’s viral, awesome, and addictive! Reminds me how I love classical music sooooo much! Watch it here then buy his inspirational book “The Art of Possibility” here.
All posts for the month June, 2008

Hey all! I’ve got a little secret to spill that I’ve been keeping hush for almost a year! I’m in a TV show and it premieres on PBS today!!!!
The shows called “Everyday Edisons“:
“Everybody has a great idea that could change the way we work, the way we live or the way we play. Everyday Edisons documents the development process of 14 inventions and the parallel stories of the people who invented them. Selected from thousands, the 14 Everyday Edisons learn how their extraordinary ideas are taken from a sketch on a napkin to a store shelf.”
Check out the page or the PBS page. Find out your local PBS air dates and times here. (I’m in the 2nd half of the season but will appear at the beginning I think)
It’s a thrill to be one of the dozen inventors hand picked from thousands to be on the show. This adventure continues a project I invented while at RISD back in 1999 which made the blogsphere rounds in 2004-5.
I’m not sure what to expect nor how the show ends (good or bad) but that’s all part of the fun. It might not be as entertaining as reality TV, but you’ll get to see my goofy serious self!! And no, it’s not like the “other” reality show I’ve been on… this one is much more professional. There is no competition, the US patent office sponsors the show, and they actually spend over a year developing each inventors idea!
I’ll post a few articles that have been published about the show and myself after the jump (fun pictures)! Please watch and let me know how it goes, cause I don’t receive the channels it’s being broadcast on (booo).
update: episodes posted after jump
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Hmmm, great read! I knew napping worked! 20 minutes rocks, between 45-90 minutes makes ya tired, but the rest is all good!
Click on above image for full article.
I finally got to watch Kung Fu Panda this weekend! How awesome! GO watch it! I’m not sure where Dreamworks pulled this movie from but the animation, composition, characters, story boarding, sounds, graphics, message, and just about everything else rocks! Stay through the credits, there’s a short extra which seems to be a common thing in movies these days. I’d love to see the making of this movie! DVD buh yah!
DVD available here.
Wow, talk about HUGE pools…next to the ocean! 66 million gallons, Cost 2 Billion USD, and 4 million yearly to maintain.
via Hemmy
YouTube Video
Sweet goodness, this rocks! Tossing 400,000 plastic black Caviar like balls into a reservoir with 3 million to follow in an attempt to shade off the reservoirs exposed water from sunlight for the next 4-5 years.
“The water needs to be shaded because when sunlight mixes with the bromide and chlorine in Ivanhoe’s water, the carcinogen bromate forms, said Pankaj Parekh, DWP’s director for water quality compliance. Bromide is naturally present in groundwater and chlorine is used to kill bacteria, he said, but sunlight is the final ingredient in the potentially harmful mix.”
Reminds me of the beautiful Sony Bravia Bouncing balls commercial. I want to by a pool of spheres now!
Tons of fun pics after the jump.
Source via LA TIMES with video, Curbed, and CBS and video.

Here are some semi super hero links…. I saw Iron Man finally which was awesome. Later on Indiana Jones, Incredible Hulk, Batman, Hancock, Kung Fu Panda, Get Smart, Love Guru, Hellboy II, and filming for Transformers 2 just started! What a Super Hero summer this is going to be!
– Japaneses Talking watch!($20)
– Finger Blasters or Finger Missiles! (Makes anyone a kid again)
– Explore the Universe through World Telescope!
– Skin Footwear!
– Crazy Fun Slip n Slide!(video)
– A poorly designed Batman squirt gun… haha

First comes the cool DispatchWork building bricks then comes this series of Lego’s mimicking real life legendary photos. How cool!
via WackyArchive
Lots of mirrored pics after the jump!
Balakov Flickr Set
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“As part of Bocchignano, Italy’s group project “20 Eventi,” Jan Vormann went around town and filled in all the cracks in the walls with painstakingly clicked-together patches made from Lego’s.”
Very cool! Gives off the vibe that entire city buildings are fabricated from Lego’s and their rustic outer layers of mud bricks are breaking off exposing the fun beneath! The hidden Lego lands discovered 😉 . I heart this!
Lots of pics after the jump>
A tour of Times Square from Keyframe on Vimeo.
hmmm… I want to make use of that empty space! The owner should convert it into his mansion or something! I hate wasted prime space!
“The One Times Square building is empty. Why? Because the owner can afford it by selling ad space alone. It costs $300,000/month to advertise on that structure — one of things you’ll learn in this behind-the-LED-screens look at Times Square. ”
via boingboing

Wow!’s webtop page looks amazing, incorporating the sweet Buzzword (Word online), ConnectNow for sharing screens, PDF maker, file sharing, and file storage (5 gigs free). Every thing is going to the web! Whoohoooo! If only Photoshop Express (psd online) and Illustrator could be online now as well as any 3D program via Solidworks, catia, maya, 3d studio, blender, Rhino, Zform, Sketchup, etc..! Programs online rock! Did I say online yet!
via TechCrunch
Here’s a informational video about the always controversial Net Neutrality issue whom many of us learned about back in 2006 through Ask a Ninja here!
Pass it around, be in the know, and fight off this corrupt political crap… make information free to enable creativity and progression. Reminds me of Larry Lessig‘s Great TED lecture on “Creativity being strangled the by law.”