Core 77‘s posted a great “Ultimate Design Student Guide” with tips and tricks all design graduates can relate to in the fields of the Classroom, Dorm Room, Represent, Crash Course, and the nifty Cheat Sheet. If your a newbie in design school you’ll be glad you learned these tricks the easy way.
Other tips:
– If you need to use the machine shop when it’s closed, go to sleep and wake up early rather than staying up all night trying to do something manually.
– Bring a pillow to studio and get a desk with wide wooden planks (Their more comfy on the shoulders)
– If you need to document a ton of sketches use your digital camera instead of a scanner… it’s much faster!
– Don’t wear sandals in the shop nor shorts in most cases.
– Use a pen, carry a sketchbook around 24/7, and for some buy that sweeet portable metal Olfa blade.
– Desk goodies: band-aids, bottle of chewable Vitamin C’s, roll of toilet paper, Mp3 player, too many markers, too many rolls of various tapes, cutting board, string, box of Exactos, toolbox, cork board, small under the desk fridge, craft sticks for mixing, and a trashcan.
– Tape a “You owe me” list on your desk… people give and take all the time.
– Desk Lamp! Most studios have those crappy eye annoying fluorescent tubes that flicker..especially when you have been up 48+ hours.
– Get a Flickr account, document all!
– Start your own blog! 😉
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