“As part of Bocchignano, Italy’s group project “20 Eventi,” Jan Vormann went around town and filled in all the cracks in the walls with painstakingly clicked-together patches made from Lego’s.”
Very cool! Gives off the vibe that entire city buildings are fabricated from Lego’s and their rustic outer layers of mud bricks are breaking off exposing the fun beneath! The hidden Lego lands discovered 😉 . I heart this!
Lots of pics after the jump>
via BoingBoing
Jan Vormanns site.
that is so cool! i love it!
That cannot be structurally sound. haha
all they need is duct tape and you’ve got a job well done
This is beautiful and what a clever way to recycle! Now if only they came insulated…
That is so awesome! I love legos.